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Pocket Atlas of Skeletal Muscles, The

A Reference for Students of Physical Therapy, Medicine, Sports, and Bodywork

Author: Chris Jarmey

$17.95 USD

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$17.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718226951


Page Count: 224

A user-friendly illustrated guide to all the major skeletal muscles, written for students and practitioners.

This concise, pocket-sized guide is a full-color, on-the-go reference for students and practitioners of anatomy, massage, physical therapy, chiropractic, medicine, nursing, and physiotherapy. Easy to use and fully illustrated with more than 500 drawings, it provides a complete profile for each muscle, clearly showing its origin, insertion, nerve supply, blood supply, and action. Each muscle drawing is accompanied by a unique inset of the relevant attachments, which (along with the precise text) paints a complete picture from which to learn.

There is a useful appendix that clearly illustrates the dermatomes and sensory nerve supply to further enhance the reader’s knowledge.

While designed for the student and beginning practitioner of anatomy, massage, bodywork, physical therapy, chiropractic medicine, physiotherapy, yoga, and Pilates, The Pocket Atlas of Skeletal Muscles is equally useful for athletes and anyone interested in the workings of the human body.


Students and practitioners of anatomy, massage, physical therapy, chiropractic, medicine, nursing, and physiotherapy.
Chapter 1. Anatomical Terms
Chapter 2. The Muscular System
Chapter 3. Muscles of the Scalp and Face
Chapter 4. Muscles of the Neck
Chapter 5. Muscles of the Trunk
Chapter 6. Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm
Chapter 7. Muscles of the Forearm and Hand
Chapter 8. Muscles of the Hip and Thigh
Chapter 9. Muscles of the Leg and Foot
Appendix. Dermatomes and Sensory Nerve Supply
The late Chris Jarmey, MCSP DS MRSS, qualified as a chartered physiotherapist in 1979 and subsequently taught body mechanics, bodywork therapy, and anatomy extensively throughout Europe for over 30 years. He was the author of several best-selling books, including The Concise Book of Muscles, Fourth Edition.
“The illustrations are of a very high quality, both in terms of presentation and pedagogical value.”
© Doody’s Review Service, 2024, Dana J Lawrence, DC, MMedEd, MA, Parker University (4-star review)

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