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Pilates Illustrated PDF

Author: Portia J. Page

$17.95 USD

$17.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492578512


Page Count: 248

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Pilates Illustrated is your guide to lengthening and strengthening muscles while improving posture, flexibility, and balance.

Renowned instructor Portia Page shows you how to perform the essential movements, exercises, and mat work routines. You’ll also learn to incorporate equipment, such as a stability ball, stretch band, and Pilates ring, to isolate muscles for targeted results.

Pilates Illustrated’s straightforward, highly visual approach and 13 predefined routines (including those for perfecting posture, low back care, morning energy, evening relaxation, and total-body strength) offer the quickest, and most effective way to experience the physical and mental benefits of Pilates. Throughout you’ll also find execution cues, modifications, and variations allowing you to immediately perform each exercise regardless of experience or skill level.

With detailed instructions and hundreds of full-color photos, Pilates Illustrated will accompany you step by step on the path to improved health, strength, flexibility, energy, and relaxation. This is the exercise guide that you will turn to time and time again.

Chapter 1 Art and Practice of Pilates

Chapter 2 Standing Warm-Up Exercises and Stretches

Chapter 3 Kneeling Mat Exercises

Chapter 4 Side-Lying Mat Exercises

Chapter 5 Prone Mat Exercises

Chapter 6 Supine Mat Exercises

Chapter 7 Seated Mat Exercises

Chapter 8 Stability Ball Exercises

Chapter 9 Pilates Ring Exercises

Chapter 10 Band Exercises

Chapter 11 Pilates Routines

Portia Page is a master Pilates instructor at Propel Pilates and Fitness in Rancho Bernardo, California. She is a gold-certified Pilates teacher through Pilates Method Alliance (PMA), a faculty member of Balanced Body University (BBU), and a Stott Pilates-certified instructor of levels 1 and 2. She was also a 2002 Reebok master trainer and holds a master instructor certification with 24-Hour Fitness, where she helped develop programs for instructors and conduct presentations and certifications throughout the United States. Page also holds certifications with both ACE and AFAA for group exercise and provides continuing education credits for ACE, AFAA, and PMA.

Page has developed five Pilates studios for California WOW Xperience fitness clubs in Thailand and South Korea and has trained more than 150 instructors at those clubs in the full mat and apparatus repertoire. Page was also a regional group exercise manager, managing five clubs in Thailand and three in Korea and overseeing nearly 1,000 group exercise classes per week.

She has starred in four videos with 24-Hour Fitness for group exercise instructors and was featured in Keli Roberts’ Pilates Quick Fix video. She has also served as a fitness video technician for Shape magazine.

Pilates Illustrated is a must-read for novice or seasoned Pilates enthusiasts. Page's clear descriptions with step-by-step instructions will help you get through even the most challenging exercises and routines!"

Lizbeth Garcia -- PMA Gold Certified Pilates Instructor Star of Health Magazine's video of the year, On the Ball Pilates Workout for Beginners

Pilates Illustrated supplies easy-to-understand cues and teaches the mind–body benefits of every move, which are suitable for all levels. Practitioners won't get bored—or have another lame excuse—thanks to 13 short routines, targeted to everything from stress relief to toning.”

Amanda Altman -- Associate Editor, Pilates Style Magazine

“Whether you are beginning your Pilates journey or are a veteran instructor, you are sure to find practical insights from Pilates Illustrated. There is no one better to teach you the benefits of Pilates than Portia Page.”

Ingrid Owen -- Vice President of Group Fitness, 24-Hour Fitness

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