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Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out PDF

An Illustrated Guide to Personalizing Participation

Author: E. Ann Davis

$21.00 USD

$21.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492577300


Page Count: 136

Access Duration: 10 Years

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As a person involved in the care and development of individuals with disabilities, you have both the opportunity and challenge to provide movement experiences that fit within the scope of each person’s abilities.Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out: An Illustrated Guide to Personalizing Participation helps you create physical activity options that encourage success by honoring the capabilities of each person under your care.

Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out is an illustrated book of games, skills, and activities for individuals with severe or multiple disabilities who may or may not use wheelchairs. The book can also be used with students who have normal developmental skills. By suggesting ways that many familiar skills, games, and activities might be performed, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offers opportunities for those with mobility challenges and disabilities to participate on their own terms.

Written by E. Ann Davis, with a foreword by Lauren Lieberman, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out emphasizes the importance of creating movement experiences that offer participants with physical limitations a sense of confidence and increased self-esteem. Rather than require individuals to follow preconceived activity patterns, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offers you the tools to help each participant enjoy movement while working according to his or her own abilities.

This easy-to-use reference organizes activities and skills as individual and partner actions focusing on body awareness, body actions, and basic manipulative skills. You’ll find simple ideas and guidelines for modifying each activity to fit the needs of each person. Following the basic guidelines, these activities allow each individual to participate to the extent he or she is able.

Whether you are a teacher, therapist, recreation specialist, caregiver, or parent, Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offers a wealth of ideas to help you encourage people with disabilities to develop basic movement skills in ways that meet their unique abilities:

• Over 450 skills and activities for individuals with severely limited or low mobility and disabilities

• 25 illustrated games focusing on body awareness, body actions, and basic manipulative skills

• Flexible design of activities and games offering modifications for individuals seated in chairs or wheelchairs or on the floor

• More than 450 illustrations conveying the accompanying instructions in an easy-to-follow visual format

• Over 100 additional activity ideas to try on your own or incorporate within the games presented in the book

Activities are specifically designed for those with delayed or poor motor coordination and control and limited physical skill. The activites can be easily incorporated within adapted physical education, therapeutic recreation, and home settings. Most important, the activities and games in Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out offer the experience of physical success—and enjoyment—for those whose physical limitations create daily movement challenges.

Chapter 1. Body Awareness

Chapter 2. Drop

Chapter 3. Push

Chapter 4. Toss

Chapter 5. Throw

Chapter 6. Kick

Chapter 7. Catch

Chapter 8. Strike

Chapter 9. Odds and Ends

Chapter 10. Games

The Last Word

E. Ann Davis, MS, is owner of WiseSoma Health and Fitness and The Yoga Nook in Glens Falls, New York. WiseSoma Health and Fitness provides physical activity and yoga programs to children and adults of all abilities.

Davis has over 30 years of experience in the fields of physical education, recreation, therapeutic recreation, and adapted physical education working with individuals throughout the life span. As an adapted physical education teacher and a therapeutic recreation specialist, Davis has extensive experience in developing and implementing safe, successful, and creative physical activity programs for those with special needs, from infants to the elderly.

Since 1975 Davis has been sharing her experience and knowledge as a practitioner presenting programs, lectures, and workshops in the areas of elementary physical education, adapted physical education, and preschool physical education. Davis also conducts workshops on yoga for adults and children with special needs. She holds teaching certifications in yoga for the special child through the Sonia Sumar method.

Davis resides in Queensbury, New York.

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