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No Standing Around in My Gym

Lesson plans, games, and teaching tips for elementary physical education

Author: J.D. Hughes

$32.00 USD

$32.00 USD

ISBN: 9780736041799


Page Count: 168

Keep all students in your physical education program moving, learning, and on their toes—even when you're teaching very large classes.

This ready-to-use guide is packed with 6 units, 70 games, 15 hints, and 39 special game variations for teaching even the largest of classes.

If you are looking for fresh ways to teach children ages 4 to 11 basic fitness concepts, movement skills, and games that emphasize creative thinking and cooperation, No Standing Around in My Gym is for you. It's an incredible source of ideas and solutions to help you
- increase the time students are active in class,
- minimize discipline problems,
- develop healthy attitudes that lead to a lifetime of activity,
- save valuable lesson preparation time, and
- keep students motivated and challenged.

The book provides complete descriptions, nearly 200 illustrations, and proven plans to make the units and games easy to teach. It's the ideal resource for busy teachers with little time in the day to think of new ideas or develop lesson plans from scratch.

The author shares a wealth of innovative ways to motivate kids, make classes more enjoyable, create an atmosphere for learning, manage classes, and maximize parental involvement to improve outcomes. Readers also will appreciate the suggestions for communicating with parents, administrators, and the public using brochures, web sites, videos, and newsletters.

With this collection of invigorating, fun and gym-tested activities, you'll be able to motivate, engage, and intrigue students in large or small classes for years to come.


Elementary physical education specialists, classroom teachers who teach physical education, youth group leaders, physical education faculty and students, and recreational facilitators.

Game Finder

Part I Physical Education Units, Games, and Activities That Involve Everyone

Chapter 1 Physical Education Units
Ball Handling and Manipulative Skills
Body Awareness and Movement Exploration
Cooperative Activities
Jump Rope Skills
Miscellaneous Activities
Striking and Kicking Activities

Chapter 2 Supporting Games and Activities
Hot Off the Press
Traditional Games With New Twists
Wide World of Sports

Part II Supplemental Ideas for Physical Education

Chapter 3 Ideas for Behavior and Class Management
First Week of School
Problem-Solving Table
Rules and Expectations

Chapter 4 Student Incentives and Motivational Ideas
In-School Running Program
After-School Running Enrichment Program
Student Teachers
Helpers of the Month
Talent Show
Fifth Grade Blast-Off Party
Fun Days

Chapter 5 Informing and Educating Parents
Web Site
Student Information Card

Suggested Readings
About the Author

J.D. Hughes, EdS, is an award-winning educator who has been teaching elementary physical education since 1995. He has published educational games and ideas in Great Activities, a newspaper for elementary and middle school physical education teachers. Hughes earned his master's of education in HPED from the State University of West Georgia in 1997, specialist in education in 1999, and National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification in 2001. He lives with his wife, Beth, and two daughters in Winston, Georgia, and enjoys exercise and weight training, playing men's softball, and coaching high school softball.

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