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Measurement in Health, PE, and Exercise Science: Augsburg University

$23.20 USD

$23.20 USD

ISBN: 9781718203280

Page Count: 131

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook includes chapters from Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, Fifth Edition. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Measurement in Health, PE, and Exercise Science (HPE 357) at Augsburg University.


Custom ebook for students taking the course Measurement in Health, PE, and Exercise Science (HPE 357) at Augsburg University.
Concepts in Tests and Measurements
Descriptive Statistics and the Normal Distribution
Correlation and Prediction
Inferential Statistics
Norm-Referenced Reliability and Validity
Criterion-Referenced Reliability and Validity
James R. Morrow, Jr., PhD, is a regents professor emeritus in the department of kinesiology, health promotion, and recreation at the University of North Texas at Denton. Morrow regularly teaches courses in measurement and evaluation in human performance. He has authored more than 150 articles and chapters on measurement and evaluation, physical fitness, physical activity, and computer use and has made approximately 300 professional presentations. He has also conducted significant research using the techniques presented in the text.

Morrow served as president of the National Academy of Kinesiology and as chair of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Science Board. He has received research funding from the United States Olympic Committee, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Cooper Institute. He is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM); the National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK); and the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Professionals. He is also a research fellow of SHAPE America. Morrow has chaired the AAHPERD Measurement and Evaluation Council and is a recipient of that council’s Honor Award. He has produced four fitness-testing software packages, including the AAHPERD Health-Related Physical Fitness test, and was editor in chief of Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport from 1989 to 1993. He was the founding coeditor of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health. He enjoys playing golf, reading, traveling, and spending time with his grandchildren.

Dale P. Mood, PhD, is a professor emeritus and former associate dean of arts and sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Mood has taught measurement and evaluation, statistics, and research methods courses since 1970 and has published extensively in the field, including 47 articles and 6 books. He has been a consultant to five NFL football teams and chair of the Measurement and Evaluation Council of AAHPERD, and he is a former president of AAALF. He is a reviewer for Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, and Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. In his leisure time, Mood enjoys reading, officiating summer league swimming meets, traveling, following the activities of his 17 grandchildren, and participating in a variety of physical activities.

James G. Disch, PED, is an associate professor in the sport management department at Rice University. From 1986 to 1991 he was master of Richardson College at Rice. From 1995 to 2001 he was chair of the kinesiology department. Disch has authored numerous articles, chapters, manuals, and texts in the areas of applied measurement, prediction in sport, and applied sport science. A member of AAHPERD (now SHAPE America) since 1974, he has been chair, secretary, and advisory board member of the measurement and evaluation council of AAHPERD. He was vice president of the college division of TAHPERD and had numerous section chair appointments. Disch is also a reviewer for Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport and Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

Disch has coordinated several workshops and symposia on measurement and evaluation. He was a major contributor to the development of AAHPERD health-related fitness norms in 1980 and has worked as a consultant and advisor for Olympic and professional teams. In 1999 he received the National Measurement and Evaluation Council Honor Award, and in 2011 he was named a Sport Ethics Fellow of the Year by the International Institute of Sport and the Positive Coaching Alliance. He was named the TAHPERD Scholar for 2012.

Dr. Disch served on the board of the RBI Foundation (Recycled Baseball Items) from 2009 until 2014 and is the current chair of the Houston chapter of the Positive Coaching Alliance. He is also on the local planning committee for the Joe Niekro Foundation Knuckleball.

Disch earned his PED in biomechanics and measurement from Indiana University in 1973.

Minsoo Kang, PhD, is a professor in the department of health and human performance at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his PhD in kinesmetrics (measurement and evaluation) in kinesiology with emphasis in IRT, Rasch, and psychometrics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kang’s research has focused on measurement and statistical methods and their applications to assessments of physical activity and sedentary behavior. He has published more than 70 refereed journal articles, made 9 book contributions, and presented more than 200 research projects. He teaches courses on data analysis, research methods, meta-analysis, research seminar, and current measurement issues in human performance. He enjoys playing badminton, golf, and tennis.

Kang is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and a research fellow of SHAPE America. He has chaired the AAHPERD Measurement and Evaluation Council and is a recipient of that council’s Honor Award. Kang received the Distinguished Research Award at Middle Tennessee State University. He currently is an associate editor of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports, a section editor of Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, and a member of the editorial board for those journals.

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Measurement in Health, PE, and Exercise Science: Augsburg University
James R. Morrow, Jr.,Dale P. Mood,James G. Disch,Minsoo Kang

Measurement in Health, PE, and Exercise Science: Augsburg University

$23.20 USD
This custom ebook includes chapters from Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, Fifth Edition. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Measurement in Health, PE, and Exercise Science (HPE 357) at Augsburg University.


Custom ebook for students taking the course Measurement in Health, PE, and Exercise Science (HPE 357) at Augsburg University.
Concepts in Tests and Measurements
Descriptive Statistics and the Normal Distribution
Correlation and Prediction
Inferential Statistics
Norm-Referenced Reliability and Validity
Criterion-Referenced Reliability and Validity
James R. Morrow, Jr., PhD, is a regents professor emeritus in the department of kinesiology, health promotion, and recreation at the University of North Texas at Denton. Morrow regularly teaches courses in measurement and evaluation in human performance. He has authored more than 150 articles and chapters on measurement and evaluation, physical fitness, physical activity, and computer use and has made approximately 300 professional presentations. He has also conducted significant research using the techniques presented in the text.

Morrow served as president of the National Academy of Kinesiology and as chair of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Science Board. He has received research funding from the United States Olympic Committee, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Cooper Institute. He is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM); the National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK); and the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Professionals. He is also a research fellow of SHAPE America. Morrow has chaired the AAHPERD Measurement and Evaluation Council and is a recipient of that council’s Honor Award. He has produced four fitness-testing software packages, including the AAHPERD Health-Related Physical Fitness test, and was editor in chief of Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport from 1989 to 1993. He was the founding coeditor of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health. He enjoys playing golf, reading, traveling, and spending time with his grandchildren.

Dale P. Mood, PhD, is a professor emeritus and former associate dean of arts and sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Mood has taught measurement and evaluation, statistics, and research methods courses since 1970 and has published extensively in the field, including 47 articles and 6 books. He has been a consultant to five NFL football teams and chair of the Measurement and Evaluation Council of AAHPERD, and he is a former president of AAALF. He is a reviewer for Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, and Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. In his leisure time, Mood enjoys reading, officiating summer league swimming meets, traveling, following the activities of his 17 grandchildren, and participating in a variety of physical activities.

James G. Disch, PED, is an associate professor in the sport management department at Rice University. From 1986 to 1991 he was master of Richardson College at Rice. From 1995 to 2001 he was chair of the kinesiology department. Disch has authored numerous articles, chapters, manuals, and texts in the areas of applied measurement, prediction in sport, and applied sport science. A member of AAHPERD (now SHAPE America) since 1974, he has been chair, secretary, and advisory board member of the measurement and evaluation council of AAHPERD. He was vice president of the college division of TAHPERD and had numerous section chair appointments. Disch is also a reviewer for Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport and Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

Disch has coordinated several workshops and symposia on measurement and evaluation. He was a major contributor to the development of AAHPERD health-related fitness norms in 1980 and has worked as a consultant and advisor for Olympic and professional teams. In 1999 he received the National Measurement and Evaluation Council Honor Award, and in 2011 he was named a Sport Ethics Fellow of the Year by the International Institute of Sport and the Positive Coaching Alliance. He was named the TAHPERD Scholar for 2012.

Dr. Disch served on the board of the RBI Foundation (Recycled Baseball Items) from 2009 until 2014 and is the current chair of the Houston chapter of the Positive Coaching Alliance. He is also on the local planning committee for the Joe Niekro Foundation Knuckleball.

Disch earned his PED in biomechanics and measurement from Indiana University in 1973.

Minsoo Kang, PhD, is a professor in the department of health and human performance at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his PhD in kinesmetrics (measurement and evaluation) in kinesiology with emphasis in IRT, Rasch, and psychometrics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kang’s research has focused on measurement and statistical methods and their applications to assessments of physical activity and sedentary behavior. He has published more than 70 refereed journal articles, made 9 book contributions, and presented more than 200 research projects. He teaches courses on data analysis, research methods, meta-analysis, research seminar, and current measurement issues in human performance. He enjoys playing badminton, golf, and tennis.

Kang is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and a research fellow of SHAPE America. He has chaired the AAHPERD Measurement and Evaluation Council and is a recipient of that council’s Honor Award. Kang received the Distinguished Research Award at Middle Tennessee State University. He currently is an associate editor of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports, a section editor of Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, and a member of the editorial board for those journals.


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