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Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance 6th Edition With HKPropel Access

$129.00 USD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$129.00 USD
Loose-leaf With Online Resource
$84.00 USD

Ebook With Online Resource
$97.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492599586


Page Count: 520

Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, Sixth Edition With HKPropel Access, guides students through the essentials of collecting and analyzing data of human performance and using that data in practical application. Introductory algebraic concepts are combined with the technological capabilities of Microsoft Excel and IBM’s SPSS software to aid students in calculations and data analysis. Focusing on the core concepts of reliability and validity of data, the text provides all the necessary tools for evidence-based decision making to apply in kinesiology, sport and exercise science, physical therapy, allied health, physical education, health, and fitness.

The sixth edition of Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance has been reorganized to offer a logical progression of information that makes it easy for instructors and students to apply the content to their specific courses and career goals. It is enhanced with added expertise from new coauthor Weimo Zhu, an internationally known scholar in Kinesmetrics who served as the chair of the Measurement and Evaluation Council of SHAPE America. The amount of information on physical activity assessment has been increased across all chapters, and the text includes new content about sport video analysis apps, employment-related testing, and more.

The text is divided into four parts. Part I introduces the concepts of measurement and evaluation and their importance for decision making in human performance. Part II explains the use of statistics as core tools and resources for these evaluations and explains the various forms of statistical procedures often used in measurement. Part III presents reliability and validity from theoretical, comprehensive, and criterion-referenced perspectives. Skills gained through previous sections are applied to human performance issues such as evaluating a person’s aerobic capacity or muscular strength. Part IV applies all of the content from the previous sections to practical settings where students will use the knowledge gained in the text, covering topics like fitness assessment, performance assessment, motor behavior, and sport and exercise psychology.

To enhance student comprehension and retention, related online learning aids are delivered through HKPropel. Sample data sets allow students to practice data analysis, as do a wide range of study and practice activities. Chapter quizzes may be assigned to students by instructors and are automatically graded within HKPropel. In addition, Mastery Item sidebars throughout the text include problems and activities that test student knowledge, while Measurement and Evaluation Challenge sidebars provide scenarios that can be evaluated with the information from the chapter.

Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, Sixth Edition, continues to provide students with the tools and confidence they will need to gather reliable data, analyze it, and apply it in their work with clients.

Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.


Undergraduate text for measurement and evaluation courses in exercise science, kinesiology, human performance, physical education, or health and fitness; also a reference for professionals in those fields.

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