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Managing Sport Events 3rd Edition With HKPropel Access

$108.00 USD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$108.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718217621


Page Count: 312

Running a sport event—whether it’s an international competition or local youth tournament—requires acute knowledge and the ability to plan, organize, promote, lead, and communicate effectively. And no other text prepares students for the task as effectively as Managing Sport Events, Third Edition With HKPropel Access.

While other texts in this space stray into the area of facility management, Managing Sport Events keeps its focus where it should be by providing a thorough grounding of the entire event management process. Beginning with an overview of event conception and development, the text then moves into the principal planning areas of budgeting, marketing, promotion, sponsorships, and legal and risk management. Later chapters focus on key operational areas such as staffing, event services and logistics, and event-day management, and it closes with postevent details and evaluation.

The third edition includes new and updated content that incorporates plenty of contemporary real-life examples:
  • Insights into how event management has been affected by COVID-19 and by the emergence of social media, sustainability efforts, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives
  • All-new content addressing the role of brand ambassadors, social media influencers, and nontraditional media in promoting events and encouraging fan engagement
  • An updated discussion of event sponsorships and how sport organizations are implementing creative activation strategies, pre-event and game-day deliverables, and the latest technologies to maximize exposure and measure effectiveness
  • An expanded discussion of contracts and other legal considerations such as compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • An expanded section outlining how principles of project management can be used to effectively plan events
  • New industry profiles that provide insights into key players and noteworthy happenings in event management
Related online activities, delivered through HKPropel, provide robust learning opportunities for students:
  • A brand-new semester-long project in which students plan, prepare, produce, and evaluate a fictional pickleball tournament as well as compile a formal event management plan handbook
  • Scenario-based activities in which students make a decision and then see the implications of their choice
  • Mini case studies for each chapter with questions to test comprehension
  • Sample contracts that represent common agreements encountered in event management
Practicing and aspiring professionals working in parks and recreation, tourism, hospitality, and sport organizations at all levels—youth, high school, college, amateur, minor league, professional, and international—will find this book a valuable reference in their roles as event managers.

Blending traditional business tenets of sport management with the distinct aspects of event management, Managing Sport Events, Third Edition, prepares readers to manage events with efficiency and ease so that fans and participants alike have lasting game-day memories.

Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.


Textbook for introductory courses in sport event management and facility management; reference for academic libraries and sport event professionals.
Chapter 1. Understanding the Sport Event Industry
Career Paths in Sport Event Management
Skills, Knowledge, and Traits for Success
Sport Events Versus Nonsport Events
Sport Tourism
Relationship Between Sport Event Management and Sport Facility Management
Types of Sporting Events
Learning Activities

Chapter 2. Event Conceptualization, Planning, and Project Management
Event Leadership
Decision Making in Event Management
Brainstorming in Event Management
Purpose of the Event
Choosing the Type of Event
SWOT Analysis
Developing a Mission for the Event
Setting Goals and Objectives
Planning Logistics
Thinking Creatively and Planning for Uniqueness
Planning for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Sustainable Sporting Events
Planning Promotional and Ancillary Components
Planning for Contingencies
Project Management
Event Planning Blunders
Learning Activities

Chapter 3. Event Bidding
Economic Impact
Sports Commissions
Sport Event Trends
Bidding Process
Feasibility Studies
Bid Documents
Learning Activities

Chapter 4. Event Budgeting
Event Budgeting Process
Types of Revenues
Types of Expenses
Controlling Costs
Cash Flow and Cash Management
Learning Activities

Chapter 5. Event Sponsorship
Benefits of Event Sponsorship
Sponsorship and Technology
Ensuring DEI
Evaluating Your Event
Learning Activities

Chapter 6. Event Marketing
Marketing Sport Events
Developing a Marketing Plan
Market Research and Analysis
Understanding Consumers
Setting Marketing Goals and Objectives
Market Segmentation and Target Markets
Branding the Event
Event Pricing
Event Promotion
Creating Community Support
Learning Activities

Chapter 7. Event Publicity
Sport Publicity
Media Relations
The Five Rs of Media Relations
Social Media
Social Media Strategy
Evaluating Success
Learning Activities

Chapter 8. Legal Issues
Contracts 101
Technology and Contracts
Negotiating Contracts
Types of Contracts
Common Clauses
Waivers and Releases
Permits and Licenses
Assessing Your Insurance Needs
Federal Legislation
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Learning Activities

Chapter 9. Risk Management and Negligence
Risk Management Process
Risk Management Planning
Threats to Events (Types of Emergencies)
Understanding and Managing Crowds
Crowd Management Plans
Learning Activities

Chapter 10. Event Staffing
Organizational Chart
Identifying Necessary Staff
Scheduling Staff
Considering Outsourcing Staff
Managing and Motivating Staff
Personal Management Style and Effective Leadership
Management Meetings
Communicating With Staff
Team Building
Learning Activities

Chapter 11. Event Services and Logistics
Event Timeline
Event Registration
Ticket Sales
Food and Beverage Operations
Hospitality Services
Waste Management Services
Custodial Services
Transportation Services
Vendor Relationships
Event Facility Selection
Customer Service
Awards Ceremonies
Learning Activities

Chapter 12. Event Day Management
Managing Event Day
Easily Missed Details
Event Day Tools
Managing Staff
Managing Spectators
Managing Participants
Managing Sponsors
Consumer Experience
Customer Service
Health and Safety Protocols
Event Day Technologies
Learning Activities

Chapter 13. Postevent Details and Evaluation
Postevent Promotions
Postevent Media Coverage
Sponsor Follow-Up
Postevent Debriefing
Event Evaluation
Evaluating Outcomes and Objectives
Measuring Economic Impact
Learning Activities
T. Christopher Greenwell, PhD, is a professor in the department of health and sport science at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. He has taught event management since 2002 and has published several articles on unique aspects of the service environment at sporting events and how these can be used as an effective marketing tool.

Greenwell has direct experience as an event manager, having planned and coordinated the event management, promotions, and game operations for all athletic events in an NCAA Division I athletic program. Events under his management set attendance records in men’s and women’s basketball, volleyball, and women’s soccer. Greenwell was also an event volunteer for major events such as the Super Bowl, the PGA Championship, the Ryder Cup, NASCAR races, Kentucky Derby week, and the World Equestrian Games.

Leigh Ann Danzey-Bussell, PhD, is an associate professor of sport management at Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville. She has taught event and facility management courses since 2006. In 2008, she was named Outstanding Professor of the Year by Sigma Phi Epsilon (Gamma Chapter) at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.

Danzey-Bussell has over 25 years of experience working in the sport industry in various capacities in NCAA Division I, II, and III programs and NAIA programs as well as in the nonprofit sector. She has served as the executive director of Team Clydesdale International, a nonprofit organization responsible for hosting national and world championships in various events. She also worked as the media relations coordinator for the United States Golf Tour, and she was a sport information director responsible for event management and promotion at the University of Alabama, University of South Alabama, and Northeast Louisiana University. Danzey-Bussell serves as the chair of the North American Society for Sport Management’s Teaching & Learning Fair. A former member of the finance committee for the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, she is currently a member of the Drake Group and the Nashville Sports Council and is a TN Promise mentor.

Danzey-Bussell has volunteered for local, regional, and national sporting events, including American Heart Association walks, Southeastern Conference gymnastics championships, two NCAA Final Four championships (Indianapolis and Atlanta), NCAA swimming and diving championships, the 2018 NCAA men’s basketball tournament (rounds 1 and 2) in Nashville, the 2018 Music City Bowl, the 2012 Super Bowl in Indianapolis, the 2019 Super Bowl in Atlanta, the 2019 Southeastern Conference men’s basketball tournament, and the 2019 NFL draft. She also served the University of Alabama as the alumni chapter president for the state of Indiana for 10 years.

David J. Shonk, PhD, is an associate professor in the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport, and Recreation Management at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where he conducts research in sport event management and has taught a course in sport facility and event management. Shonk has worked as a meeting and event planner in both professional sports and the nonprofit sector since 2003. During that time, he was responsible for planning a range of conferences, tours, and events, including concerts, on-field promotions, and special events such as the Carolina League All-Star Game. He also worked as marketing director of the Salem professional baseball club and director of development at DECA Inc.

In 2011, Shonk founded the all-volunteer organization Harrisonburg-Rockingham Sports Commission, where he serves as the executive director. He also currently serves as associate editor for the Sport Management Education Journal.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Includes a sample syllabus, recommended classroom activities, and sample responses to end-of-chapter learning activities and case study questions featured in the text. Also provided is an overview of the student event planning project and how to incorporate it into the course throughout the semester.

Test package. Contains nearly 400 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, matching, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions to assign to students directly through HKPropel. Multiple-choice and true-false questions are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.

Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (9-10 questions each) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter. Each quiz may be downloaded or assigned to students directly through HKPropel. The chapter assessments are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.

Presentation package. Features approximately 250 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts.

Instructors also receive access to all student materials in HKPropel. For Managing Sport Events, Third Edition, this includes student learning activities consisting of a semester-long event planning and execution project, scenario-based activities, mini case studies, and sample contracts.

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