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Laura Stamm's Power Skating - 4th Edition

Author: Laura Stamm

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9780736076203


Page Count: 288


Chapter 1. Skates and Equipment for Superior Skating
Chapter 2. Balance for Stability and Speed
Chapter 3. Force Application for Explosive Speed
Chapter 4. Forward Stride for a More Aggressive Attack
Chapter 5. Backward Stride for Mobility on Defense
Chapter 6. Crossovers for Acceleration on Curves
Chapter 7. Explosive Starts for Gaining the Advantage
Chapter 8. Stops for Halting on a Dime
Chapter 9. Turns and Transition for Multidirectional Moves
Chapter 10. Agility for Maximum Coverage of the Ice
Chapter 11. Training and Conditioning for Faster, More
Powerful Skating

Bibliography and Suggested Reading
About the Author

Internationally renowned power skating coach Laura Stamm has been coaching hockey players for more than 38 years. She is recognized as the pioneer of modern power skating in North America. The first woman ever to coach a major league professional hockey player, Stamm showed the hockey world how important skating technique is to a hockey player’s success.

Stamm has taught at hockey schools throughout the United States and Canada. She has worked with college and youth hockey players, U.S. Olympic team members, and professional players, including many NHL stars. Several of her former students went on to become NHL coaches and general managers. Laura has also taught thousands of minor league pro and amateur players how to increase their speed, agility, and efficiency on the ice.

Stamm has worked with the Los Angeles Kings, the New York Rangers, the New York Islanders, and the New Jersey Devils, and the Atlanta (now Calgary) Flames. Her Power Skating System has been employed by prestigious hockey teams around the world.

Stamm has conducted power skating clinics throughout the United States and Canada since 1973. She has personally trained and certified her own team of instructors who teach her Power Skating System worldwide.

In addition to authoring three books and numerous articles on hockey skating, Stamm has been a frequent speaker at coaches’ symposiums, camps, and conventions around the world. In 2006 she was the featured presenter at the USA Hockey Level 5 Coaching Certification Symposium.

In January 2007, Laura was featured in USA Hockey Magazine as one of the top women working in hockey. In 2009, Laura was nominated for induction into the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame.

A champion athlete in ice dancing and tennis, Stamm majored in physiology at Cornell University and taught high school biology and physics. In 1971 she became a power skating coach at a summer hockey school directed by then-NHL stars Rod Gilbert and Brad Park. She went on to coach rookie New York Islander star Bob Nystrom. Her enormous success with him led to coaching assignments with other teams in the NHL and WHA (World Hockey Association), thus beginning her long career in hockey.

Stamm lives in Anchorage, Alaska.

"As a former student of Laura Stamm's, I can personally attest to the tremendous benefits and advantages of the technique in Laura Stamm's Power Skating. It helped my skating significantly and was a factor in the improvement of my overall game. It's universally beneficial for any skater at any level."

Rob Niedermayer -- Anaheim Ducks, NHL All-Star Forward

"Laura Stamm's Power Skating offers expert techniques that will help both amateur and professional players get an edge on the ice. It is a must-read if you want to take your skating to the next level."

Tony Granato -- Assistant Coach, Pittsburgh Penguins

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