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Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online Course

$49.00 USD

Online Course
$49.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718201637


Access Duration: 24 Months

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Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online Course is a groundbreaking teacher training tool that school districts can use to deliver authoritative information on how to effectively design and implement skills-based health education in K-12 programs.

This new online resource from authors Holly Alperin and Sarah Benes builds on their previous books, The Essentials of Teaching Health Education, Second Edition, and Lesson Planning for Skills-Based Health Education. The course consists of eight online modules that collectively provide health coordinators and their teachers the tools they need to confidently and smoothly apply skills-based health education. As such, Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online Course acts as an ideal bridge between two teaching approaches, helping teachers move from a content-based approach to a skills-based approach.

Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online Course offers the following:
  • Flexibility. District coordinators or other facilitators can deliver the modules in a one- or two-day in-person workshop. Individual teachers can purchase the course and work through the modules at their own pace.
  • Compatibility. Teachers can learn how to move toward a skills-based approach while still working within their adopted curriculum.
  • Evidence of learning. Module quizzes and a cumulative quiz at the end are automatically graded, and right-or-wrong feedback is provided immediately.
  • Professional development credit. Participants are able to download a certificate of completion to submit to their administrators for professional development credit. (Coordinators and participants are responsible for seeking their administration’s approval for credit.)

Each module includes the following:
  • Video segments featuring the authors speaking about the module topics
  • Narrated presentations to introduce key concepts
  • Downloadable application activities
  • Knowledge-check quizzes to provide evidence of learning

A downloadable facilitator guide provides health coordinators with all they need to effectively deliver the course in person or in a virtual setting. The facilitator guide details pacing and time requirements for each module, module-specific tips for implementation, and prompts for discussion or other group work.

Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online Course is flexible and highly effective for showing teachers how to use a skills-based approach in their programs. It also offers “virtual visits” with the authors for an additional fee. These visits can take the learning to the next level and are highly prized by those who take part in them.

Implementing Skills-Based Health Education Online Course will open the door for administrators, coordinators, and teachers who want to learn more about—and fully implement—skills-based education.


K-12 health coordinators, health and PE coordinators, K-12 health teachers and specialists, elementary classroom teachers, and physical educators.
Module 1. The Big Picture: Your Environment, Your Students, and You
Module 2. The What and Why of Skills-Based Health Education
Module 3. Skills of the National Health Education Standards
Module 4. Skill Development
Module 5. Participatory Methods
Module 6. Functional Information
Module 7. Curriculum Development and Assessment
Module 8. Tips for Designing Skills-Based Health Education


Comprehensive Quiz
Holly Alperin, EdM, MCHES, is a clinical associate professor at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and has over 20 years’ experience in both public health and education. As a faculty member and program coordinator of the department of kinesiology’s health and physical education teacher preparation program, she focuses on preparing preservice educators to teach using a skills-based approach. Prior to UNH, she worked at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in a variety of roles that supported schools in their efforts to strengthen policies and increase capacity around school health education and programs, school nutrition programs, and professional learning experiences for educators. Through her work at the local, state, national, and international levels she provides guidance to schools as they create a culture of health and well-being for each student—both in the health education classroom and throughout the school. Alperin is the past vice president of health education for New Hampshire Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, currently serves on the taskforce to revise the National Health Education Standards, and is the past-chair of the Health Education Council for SHAPE America, among other volunteer roles. Alperin received her master’s in education in policy, planning, and administration from Boston University and her bachelor’s degree in health education and health promotion from Central Michigan University. She holds the Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES) credential. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two daughters. In her free time you can likely find her in the mountains or at the beach enjoying the best New England has to offer.

Sarah Sparrow Benes, EdD, MPH, CHES, received her EdD in curriculum and teaching from Boston University in 2010 and her EdM in human movement from Boston University in 2006. She earned her BS in athletic training at University of Connecticut. In 2021, she completed a master’s degree in public health. She worked as a graduate assistant athletic trainer and an assistant athletic trainer at Boston University before transitioning to teaching full time and running the physical and health education programs for six years. Dr. Benes then held a position as an associate clinical professor in the School of Health Sciences at Merrimack College. As of fall 2022, Sarah is an assistant professor and the coordinator of the school health education program at Southern Connecticut State University. Dr. Benes’ research and scholarship interests include skills-based health education, equity and justice in health education, physical activity in the classroom, and enhancing school-based physical and health education programming. Dr. Benes is currently president-elect of SHAPE America after serving on the board for three years and serving as chair of the Health Education Council. She has done curriculum development with many districts in Massachusetts, has conducted skills-based health education professional development in multiple states across the country and internationally, and has written more than a dozen health education presentations and publications. She currently lives in Natick, Massachusetts, with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys yoga and meditation, reading, hiking, and going on adventures with her family.


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