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Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation 4th Edition epub

$88.00 USD

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$88.00 USD
$117.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718210035


Page Count: 424

Access Duration: 10 Years

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The authoritative text for current and future practitioners of human resources management in the sport and recreation industries is back in a revised fourth edition. This new edition addresses contemporary issues that organizations face today. Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation, Fourth Edition, offers a solid foundation in research and application, and it provides a holistic perspective of human resource management by bringing together the three groups of people who constitute human resources across sport and recreation organizations: paid professionals, volunteers, and the clients themselves.

Dr. Packianathan Chelladurai, a pioneer in the field of sport management, is joined by Dr. Amy Chan Hyung Kim to lend expertise gained from more than four decades of teaching human resource management. They guide students through four parts, starting with an outline of the common characteristics of the three groups of people that make up human resources. Part II focuses on individual differences among people and how those differences affect behavior within organizations. In part III, students will explore organizational processes, and part IV discusses two significant outcomes expected of human resource practices: satisfaction and commitment. The conclusion uses 10 guiding themes to bring all the concepts together with an eye toward the future of the field.

Updated to address current topics such as social issues and diversity, the fourth edition reflects the increasing complexity of human resource management across the field of recreation and sport. Modern issues and their real-world implications are represented throughout the text with recurring sidebars.
  • Diversity Management of Human Resources: offer insights into how and when to promote and manage diversity
  • Crisis Management: address the role of human resource management during emergency situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Social Phenomena and Human Resource Management: assess the impact of major social events or movements
  • Legal Considerations in Human Resource Management: focus on legal matters in the field
  • From the Field: provide professional insights from leading practitioners across a variety of sport contexts
Case studies, discussion questions, and activities provide further opportunity for students to understand relevant research with real-world application of concepts.

With clear explanations of concepts and current practices in human resources across the sport and recreation industries, Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation, Fourth Edition, is a valuable resource for future and current practitioners alike.


A textbook for students in courses on human resource management in sport or recreation and sport administration. A supplemental text for courses covering legal issues in sport and sport facility management as well as a reference book for practitioners and researchers in these areas.

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