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Hatha Yoga Asanas

Pocket Guide for Personal Practice

$15.95 USD

$15.95 USD

ISBN: 9781450414852


Page Count: 192

Finally, an easy-to-use quick-reference guide that captures the beauty and essence of hatha yoga itself.

Hatha Yoga Asanas: Pocket Guide for Personal Practice features full-color photos, basic movement cues, the English and Sanskrit names, and difficulty ratings for over 150 poses, including these

Bound angle






Crescent lunge


Dancer I

Downward-facing dog

Forward bend


Half moon


Intense side stretch

Lord of the fishes



Shoulder stand

Side angle




Upward-facing dog



Simple, attractive, and convenient, Hatha Yoga Asanas: Pocket Guide for Personal Practice is the one reference every practitioner and instructor should own.



The Asanas

Sun Salutation

Suggested Readings


Index of Asanas

About the Authors

A self-taught photographer, Daniel DiTuro began a series of yoga photographs in 1999 shortly after taking his first yoga class. In 2001 he founded The Yoga Project to promote the physical and mental wellness of mind, body, and spirit through the creation and publication of inspirational and motivational meditation and yoga asanas photographs. In 2003, DiTuro, along with Martin Kirk and Brooke Boone, released the best-seller Hatha Yoga Illustrated, which contains over 600 of his yoga photographs.

DiTuro published his second book, Live Longer & Healthier Eating Foods You Love on a Southern Italian Mediterranean Diet, in August 2009, which was one of the selections for the United States in the 2010 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.

Coauthor Ingrid Yang embarked on her yoga journey in 1999 in New York City, where she studied directly with David Life at Jivamukti Yoga Center and Cyndi Lee at OM Yoga Center. She is the founder of Blue Point Yoga Center in Durham, North Carolina, and teaches a variety of yoga disciplines, including vinyasa, restorative, yin, and cancer therapy. She leads teacher trainings and workshops in the United States, Australia, and Asia.

Ingrid earned her law degree at Duke University and is currently pursuing a doctor of medicine degree with a focus on anatomy and physiatry at Rush University Medical College in Chicago, Illinois.

“Hatha Yoga Asanas is a clear, concise, beautifully illustrated guide to yoga postures and is suitable for all yogis and teachers of every style.

Sage Rountree, PhD- Author of The Athlete’s Guide to Yoga

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