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Governance in Sport-2nd Edition

Analysis and Application

Author: Bonnie Tiell

$107.00 USD

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$107.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718223165


Page Count: 432

At its core, sport governance encompasses two key elements: power and decision making. To truly grasp a sport organization’s purpose and structure, it’s essential to understand who wields power and which decisions are made by those who possess it.

Regrettably, the abuse of power, coupled with ineffective governance and lackluster leadership, has fostered widespread corruption within sport organizations, a situation that calls for a renewed commitment to practicing principles of good governance and restoring integrity and ethical conduct.

In response, the updated and enhanced Governance in Sport: Analysis and Application, Second Edition, aims to equip students with the skills to navigate both ordinary and extraordinary situations encountered in the oversight and authority of sport organizations at all levels of sport.

Governance in Sport examines sport governance from three broad analytical and applied perspectives:
  • A legal and managerial overview of practices, processes, and policies in sport organizations, encompassing ethical behavior, effective leadership, decision making, and policy development
  • A framework of the structures and functions of regulatory agencies that govern state, national, regional, and international sports
  • An applied overview of governance and authority in selected sectors of the industry, including professional sports, amateur sports, sports media, sports betting, esports, and more
Through examinations of contemporary hot-button issues and compelling new case studies—covering the Ukraine invasion; Brittney Griner; transgender athletes in sports; LIV Golf versus the PGA; conference realignment; name, image, and likeness (NIL) issues; the Kanjuruhan Stadium catastrophe; and the workplace misconduct in the Washington Commanders organization—students will see how governance differs in sport organizations at various levels in the United States and around the world.

Additional new features include the following:
  • Headlines begin each chapter, calling out incidents of corruption within the sport industry.
  • Rules and Regulations Corners provide quick overviews of policies and laws affecting weighty issues.
  • Combating Corruption sections offer best practices for preventing and minimizing behavior deemed illegal, unethical, or counterintuitive.
  • Governance in Action case sidebars explore real-world examples of conflicts and conundrums related to the chapter topic and include discussion questions; suggested responses to the questions can be found in the instructor guide.
  • Recorded lectures by author Bonnie Tiell are available for each chapter of the book. Instructors can use these videos to enhance their lectures.
With Governance in Sport, students will develop an understanding of where power resides, how decisions are made, and the impact of those factors on the goals and structures of sport organizations.


A text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level courses in program curriculums such as sport and recreation management, sport administration, coaching, physical education, sport business, or recreation and leisure.
Part I. Foundations of Governance and Authority

Chapter 1. Legal Primer to Governance
Bonnie Tiell
Authority and Governance
Legal Principles
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Sources of Law
International Perspective
Combating Corruption in Sport Through Legal Action

Chapter 2. Ethics, Decision Making, and Leadership in Sport Organizations
Bonnie Tiell
Decision Making
Combating Corruption in Sport

Chapter 3. Board Governance and Policy Development in Sport Organizations
Bonnie Tiell
Best Practices in Board Governance
Policies and Procedures in Sport Organizations
Combating Corruption in Board Governance

Part II. Framework for Sport Governance

Chapter 4. State and Local Sport
Bonnie Tiell
Classification Systems
Local Sports Organizations
Governance and Authority in Sport Organizations at the State Level
Governance Challenges
Combating Corruption in Local and State Sports

Chapter 5. Governance in National Sports
Bonnie Tiell
Classification of National Sport Organizations
Combating Corruption in National Sport

Chapter 6. International Sports
Bonnie Tiell
Roles of Regulatory Agencies for International Sport
Non-Olympic Sports
Combating Corruption in International Sports

Part III. Governance and Authority in Sport Industry Sectors

Chapter 7. Professional Sports
Bonnie Tiell
Professional Leagues and Team Sports
Individual Professional Sports
Combating Corruption in Professional Sports

Chapter 8. Amateur Sports
Bonnie Tiell
Amateur Athletic Union
Intercollegiate Athletics
Youth Amateur Sports
Adult Amateur Sports
Combating Corruption in Intercollegiate Athletics and Amateur Sports

Chapter 9. Sport Media
Galen Clavio and Matthew Zimmerman
Political Governance in Sport Media
Global and Commercial Governance in Sport Media
Partnerships Between Media and Sport Entities
Sports Journalists
Combating Corruption in Sport Media

Chapter 10. Sporting Goods and Sport Licensing
Daniel A. Rascher and Mark S. Nagel
Size and Scope of the Sporting Goods Industry
Sport Licensing Landscape
Combating Corruption: Regulating and Policing the Industry
Future of the Industry

Chapter 11. Fitness, Wellness, and Health
Bonnie Tiell
Fitness and Health Clubs
Commercial Fitness and Health Clubs (For Profit)
Trainers: Certification and Licensure
Public Health
Nutritional Supplements
Combating Corruption

Chapter 12. Sport Marketing
Bonnie Tiell
Sport Marketing Definition and Characteristics
Sport Marketing Industry Segments
Sport Marketing Technologies
National Organizations and Associations for Sport Marketing
Combating Corruption in Sport Marketing

Chapter 13. Sports Betting
Bonnie Tiell
History of Sports Wagering in the United States
Status of Sports Wagering in the United States
Status of Sports Wagering Internationally
Combating Corruption
Future of Sports Wagering

Chapter 14. Esports
Bonnie Tiell
History of Esports
Esports Governing Agencies and Authorities
Esports Governance and Legislation
Combating Corruption
Bonnie Tiell, EdD, is a professor of sport management at Tiffin University and the United States Sports Academy (USSA). Since 2004, she has organized a study-abroad program in conjunction with the Summer Olympics, which has included a humanitarian program for underprivileged youths in host cities and volunteer service at the OLY House and USA Welcome Center. She has authored over 60 publications, including two sport management textbooks and four book chapters. She serves on the editorial board for The Sport Journal and as the education correspondent for Sports Destination Management magazine, published by Due North Media.

Tiell has been recognized as the Woman of the Year in Sports for Cleveland, Ohio, and Educator of the Year for Seneca County, Ohio. She was named Alumnus of the Year by the U.S. Sports Academy and was a recipient of the Donahue Service Award from the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. She is a two-time recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs and has received multiple awards for teaching, scholarship, and service at Tiffin University.

Tiell has worked with the Sports Authority of Thailand to deliver annual training workshops to directors, military personnel, and administrators representing almost every Thai national sports federation. In addition to being a featured speaker at various conferences around the world, she has taught classes and delivered workshops on strategic management, international marketing, sport governance, and sport psychology in the Kingdom of Bahrain; Shanghai, China; and Bucharest, Romania. She twice lectured for the Futbol Business Academy, headquartered in Europe, and continues collaborating on educational projects with international organizations such as the American Institute of Applied Science and Ball Academy in Switzerland.

In the United States, Tiell has led efforts to organize multiday education programs featuring dozens of Olympians, Olympic coaches, and professional athletes engaging with youths, college students, and community members. In 2000 she cofounded the Women’s Leadership Symposium, a program currently funded and administered by the NCAA and Women Leaders in Sports. She is also the lead developer of Life After the Games, a self-paced online professional development course for athletes and coaches.

Tiell holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Troy University, a master’s degree in sport administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a doctorate of education in sport management from the USSA. She is a featured sport columnist for the Advertiser-Tribune and is also the author of the textbook Human Resources in Sports: A Managerial Approach.

She and her husband, Greg, reside in Tiffin, Ohio, where she serves on the Frost-Kalnow Stadium Endowment Committee and the Calvert Catholic Schools Curriculum Committee. The Tiells have two daughters (Kim and Katie), a son-in-law (Jack), and a grandson expected in 2025.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Expanded for the second edition. Includes a sample syllabus with ideas for assignments and class projects, plus worksheets based on applied activities in the chapters. Also included are suggested responses to Governance in Action discussion questions, a hot-topic classroom debate project, all-new case studies and key terms, critical analysis questions, applied activities, and video summaries for each chapter.

Test package. Contains over 400 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions.

Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes (10 questions each, taken from the test package) to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter.

Presentation package. Features more than 300 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.

Instructor videos. Recorded lectures by author Bonnie Tiell are available for each chapter of the book. Instructors can use these videos to enhance their lectures, incorporating Tiell’s insights and experience into the classroom for a richer learning experience.

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