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Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming Field Handbook 3rd Edition PDF

$59.00 USD

$59.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492581123


Page Count: 86

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming Mini eBook, Third Edition, presents key models, concepts, and checklists from the text in an abbreviated form that is easily accessed and referenced in the field. Refreshers on the most important concepts from the text are at your fingertips in this field handbook; use either the topically arranged table of contents or the alphabetical table of contents to quickly locate the information you need.

Outdoor Leadership and the Brick Wall

Modified Accident Equation

Danger Analysis

Adapted Crisis Management

Environmental Checklists

Six Stages of Outdoor Trips

Trip-Planning Checklist

Outward Bound Process Model

Three Types of Transfer

Four Phases of Experiential Learning

Six Philosophical Questions

Three Types of Ethics

Understand Nonnegotiable Values

Professional Ethics

Moral Reasoning Model

Adventure Experience Paradigm

Competence Effectance

Conditional Leadership Model

Flexible Style for Group Leadership

Communication and Feedback

Listening and Speaking Checklists

Six Steps for Conflict Resolution


Learning Gradient


Seven Instructional Combinations

Facilitation Checklists

Facilitation Overview



Nonverbal Alternatives






Group Decision Making

Fifty Decision-Making Biases

Creative Decision Making

Multiphasic Problem Solving

Five Breakdowns

Sound Judgment and Refraction

A Dozen Heuristics

Intuition and Judgment Checklist

Competency Framework

Both Simon Priest and Mike Gass are subject matter experts in outdoor leadership, adventure programming, and the facilitation of learning and change. They have separately authored hundreds of publications, presented thousands of experiential workshops, and delivered dozens of keynote addresses for conferences. They have taught in more than 60 nations around the world, and they enjoy collaborating on scholarly endeavors and climbing mountains together.

Dr. Simon Priest is a Canadian from Burnaby, British Columbia (near Vancouver). His areas of expertise include corporate training and development, wilderness resource management, and adventure travel and ecotourism. In addition to being a dean, provost, vice chancellor, senior vice president, president, and commissioner, he has held full professorships in business management, online education, and recreation and leisure. He has received more than 15 awards for his teaching and research, including the Willi Unsoeld Award from the Association for Experiential Education, and he has been invited as a visiting scholar at about 30 international institutions.

Dr. Michael Gass is an American from Durham, New Hampshire (near Boston). His areas of expertise include adventure therapy, wilderness orientation programs, and program accreditation. He is the director of the Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Research Center (OBHRC) as well as the National Association for Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) research database. He is a full professor at the University of New Hampshire as well as a licensed marriage and family therapist. He currently leads and directs several critical research initiatives in the field of behavioral health care. He has received more than 20 awards, including the Kurt Hahn Award, Distinguished Researcher Award, and Outstanding Teacher Award from the Association for Experiential Education. He has been invited as a visiting scholar at about 20 international institutions.

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