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Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy PDF With Web Resource

$82.00 USD

Ebook With Online Resource
$82.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492576730


Page Count: 640

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy provides a balanced introduction to the knowledge, skills, and clinical abilities that span the profession of athletic training. Students in athletic training, coaching, or other health care fields will find current information covering the breadth of theory and application of athletic training, including evidence-based practice, prevention and health promotion, clinical examination and diagnosis, acute and emergency care, therapeutic interventions, and health care administration. It also presents advanced topics of pathophysiology and psychological response to sport injury to better prepare students for continued study.

Compared to other introductory athletic training texts, Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is the only text that aligns with the newest athletic training education competencies from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (2011). Written by a team of respected athletic training educators with experience at the professional and collegiate levels, the text breaks new ground by condensing key concepts to a comprehensive level while not overwhelming students with content that will be addressed in depth in advanced courses. Numerous features assist students in learning the fundamentals:

• Each of the six parts opens with a discussion of the competencies that are covered in that part and concludes with a reference list of those competencies by description and number, making it easy to monitor the knowledge required.

• A companion web resource contains 41 clinical proficiency exercises, carefully chosen to complement the introductory level of the text and align with required educational objectives. The modules may be completed online or printed, and cross-references at the end of each chapter guide students to the appropriate modules to apply the chapter content.

• Case studies sprinkled throughout the text demonstrate real-world situations and include critical thinking questions that underscore principles of rehabilitation and exercise.

• Full-color photographs depict specific conditions and techniques, giving students an accurate picture of real practice.

• For instructors, a complete set of ancillaries assists in preparing and presenting lectures, leading class discussion, and planning assignments and assessments.

In addition, Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is the first text to offer a complete chapter on evidence-based practice, the newest educational competency required of entry-level athletic trainers by the NATA. The rest of the text introduces general information about life as an athletic trainer, such as training, education, licensure, certification, employment opportunities, and the roles in a sports medicine team. The core of the text then focuses on required knowledge and skills related to injury prevention, injury recognition and classification (including region-specific examination strategies, basic objective tests, physical exam strategies, and injury mechanisms), acute care, therapeutic interventions, and the role of pharmaceuticals in the healing process. To round out the text, it addresses health care administration and discusses strategies for the management of athletic training programs.

With learning features and a web resource that integrate clinical learning into an introductory course, Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is the essential resource for current and future athletic trainers. Long after its first use, it will prove a valuable reference for athletic training students as they progress through the curriculum, prepare for certificiation, and begin careers in the profession.

Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Therapy is part of Human Kinetics' Athletic Training Education Series. Featuring the work of respected authorities in athletic training, this collection of outstanding textbooks, each with its own supporting instructional resources, parallels and expounds on the content areas in the accreditation standards of the NATA Education Council.

Introduction to Athletic Training

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Becoming an NATA Certified Athletic Trainer

History of Athletic Training

Employment Opportunities in Athletic Training

The Sports Medicine Team

Learning Aids

Part I. Prevention and Health Promotion

Chapter 1. The Preparticipation Physical Examination

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Essential Elements of the Preparticipation Physical Examination

Health Status Information

Physical Components of the Preparticipation Physical Examination

Fitness or Performance Testing

Preparticipation Physical Examination Results

Considerations for Athletes With Impairments

Administration of the Preparticipation Physical Examination

Learning Aids

Chapter 2. Fitness Testing and Conditioning

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Fitness Testing Procedures

Fitness Testing Parameters

Exercise Prescription

Developing the Strength Training Program

Types of Strength Training

Integrating Cardiorespiratory and Flexibility Parameters

Learning Aids

Chapter 3. Nutritional Aspects of Health and Performance

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Why Study Nutrition?

Basic Nutritional Needs of Active Individuals

Fluid Needs for Active Individuals

Caloric Demands of Active Individuals


Planning the Participants’s Diet

Nutritional Concerns in Injury or Illness

Learning Aids

Chapter 4. Environmental Conditions

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Temperature Regulation and Heat Exchange

Physiological Responses to Exercise in the Heat

Cooling Mechanisms

Adapting to Environmental Heat

Heat Illness

Prevention of Heat-Related Illness

Caring for Heat Illness

Cold Environments

Other Weather Conditions

Other Environmental Factors Influencing Sport Participation

Learning Aids

Chapter 5. Protective Devices, Regulations, and the Law

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Standards for Equipment Design and Reconditioning

Regulating Agencies

Reconditioning and Maintenance of Athletic Headgear

Agencies for Development of Sport Safety Rules

Legal Concerns About Equipment Use in Sport

Liability Negligence

Determination of Liability

Product and Manufacturer Liability

Protecting Oneself From Legal Misfortune

Learning Aids

Chapter 6. Athletic Taping, Padding, and Bracing

David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC, and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Anatomy and Injury Mechanism as the Foundation for Taping and Bracing

Materials for Taping and Wrapping

Prerequisites to Taping and Bracing

Preparing for Taping

Applying Tape


Pad Fabrication Considerations

Pad Construction Materials

Role of Bracing

Learning Aids

Part II. Clinical Examination and Diagnosis

Chapter 7. Injury Mechanisms and Classifications

Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FNATA, and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Anatomical Reference Terminology

Physical Maturity Classifications

Injury Mechanisms

Injury Classifications

Learning Aids

Chapter 8. Principles of Examination

Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FNATA. and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Examination Components

On-Site Examination

Acute Examination

Clinical Examination

Documenting the Examination

Learning Aids

Chapter 9. Upper Extremity Injury Recognition

Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FNATA. and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Shoulder and Arm Injury Recognition

Elbow and Forearm Injury Recognition

Wrist and Hand Injury Recognition

Learning Aids

Chapter 10. Lower Extremity Injury Recognition

Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FNATA, and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Hip, Pelvis, and Groin Injury Recognition

Knee and Thigh Injury Recognition

Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Injury Recognition

Learning Aids

Chapter 11. Head, Spine, and Thorax Injury Recognition

Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FNATA, and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Cervical and Upper Thoracic Spine Injury Recognition

Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injury Recognition

Head and Face Injury Recognition

Thorax and Abdominal Injury Recognition

Learning Aids

Chapter 12. General Medical Conditions

Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FNATA, and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Cardiovascular Conditions

Respiratory Conditions

Digestive Conditions

Eating Disorders

Reproductive and Genitourinary Conditions

Gynecological Conditions

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Diseases Transmitted by Body Fluid

Endocrine Conditions

Musculoskeletal Conditions

Neurological Conditions

Integumentary Conditions

Eye, Ear, Mouth, Nose, and Throat Conditions

Viral Syndromes

Systemic Conditions

Learning Aids

Part III. Acute and Emergency Care

Chapter 13. Acute Care

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Planning Foundations for Acute Care Situations

Essentials of the Acute Examination

Immediate Care for Emergency Problems

Care Principles for Musculoskeletal Injuries

Moving and Transporting Injured Patients

Learning Aids

Chapter 14. Emergency Care

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

First Aid, Emergency Care, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

First Aid for Sudden Illnesses

The Emergency Care Plan

Consent to Treat

Community-Based Emergency Medical Services

Roles and Responsibilities of EMS Professionals

Emergency Care Equipment

Learning Aids

Part IV. Therapeutic Interventions

Chapter 15. Concepts of Rehabilitation and Healing

Peggy A. Houglum, PhD, ATC, PT, and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Components of a Rehabilitation Program

Basic Components of Therapeutic Exercise

Psychological Considerations in Rehabilitation

Return-to-Competition Criteria

Concepts of Healing

Healing Phases

Factors That Affect Healing

The Role of Therapeutic Exercise in Healing

Learning Aids

Chapter 16. Therapeutic Modalities

Craig R. Denegar, PhD, ATC, PT, FNATA


Cold and Superficial Heat Treatments




Mechanical Energy and Manual Therapies


Learning Aids

Chapter 17. Therapeutic Exercise Parameters and Techniques

Peggy A. Houglum, PhD, ATC, PT, and Kirk Brumels, PhD, AT, ATC

Range of Motion and Flexibility


Manual Therapy Techniques

Muscular Strength, Power, and Endurance



Functional and Sport-Specific Exercise

Basic Functional Activities

Learning Aids

Chapter 18. Pharmacology in Athletic Training

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT

Drug Nomenclature and Classification

The Study of Drugs

Drug-Testing Policies and Procedures

Drugs Specific to Athletic-Related Conditions

Nonorthopedic Medicinals

Learning Aids

Part V. Health Care Administration

Chapter 19. Management Strategies in Athletic Training

Richard Ray, EdD, ATC, and Eric J. Fuchs, DA, ATC, EMT-B

Vision and Mission Statements


Human Resource Management

Financial Resource Management

Information Management

Learning Aids

Chapter 20. Reimbursement and Legal Considerations

Richard Ray, EdD, ATC, and Eric J. Fuchs, DA, ATC, EMT-B

Insurance Systems

Third-Party Reimbursement

Legal Considerations in Sports Medicine

Learning Aids

Part VI. Advanced Athletic Training Concepts

Chapter 21. Pathophysiology of Athletic Injuries

Susan Saliba, PhD, ATC, PT, FNATA


Connective Tissue Structure

Biomechanical Responses of Connective Tissue


Learning Aids

Chapter 22. Psychological Aspects of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation

Diane M. Wiese-Bjornstal, PhD, CC-AASP, Laura J. Kenow, MS, ATC, and Frances A. Flint PhD, CAT(C), ATC

Insight Into Sport Injury Psychology and Socioculture

Interventions for Psychological Recovery

Implementation of a Psychosocial Care Plan

Learning Aids

Chapter 23. Evidence-Based Practice

Tamara C. Valovich McLeod, PhD, ATC, FNATA

The Essence of Evidence-Based Practice

The Importance of Evidence-Based Practice to Athletic Training

The Steps of Evidence-Based Practice

Learning Aids

Susan Kay Hillman, ATC, PT, is associate professor and director of human anatomy at the Arizona School of Health Sciences, a division of the A.T. Still University. She has more than 13 years of experience as head athletic trainer for the University of Arizona and has served as a consultant, assistant athletic trainer, and physical therapist for the Pittsburgh Steelers as well as the Philadelphia Eagles football clubs.

Hillman has served on the editorial board of the journal Athletic Therapy Today (now titled International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training) and the review board of the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. She is a past member of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers’ Association (RMATA) Program Committee. She currently serves as a home-study reviewer for the Board of Certification (BOC) and served on the Role Delineation 6 team for the BOC. In 2004, she received the Distinguished Educator Award from the RMATA, and the year before she was named Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer by the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA).

Hillman earned a master's degree in physical therapy from Stanford University and a master's degree in physical education and athletic training from the University of Arizona as well as a bachelor's degree in the same field from Purdue University.

“This book does an excellent job of breaking down each domain of athletic training and providing enough information on each topic to allow for practical learning. It is not overwhelming for a student audience and offers many different resources to practice and apply the knowledge they have gained. It compares well with other entry-level textbooks used in didactic settings, and surpasses them in the critical thinking opportunities presented throughout.”

--Doody’s Book Review (4-star review)

“Overall, this introductory textbook for the athletic training student is perfectly suited for the first year of an undergraduate or entry-level master’s athletic training education program. The comprehensive nature of this textbook makes it one that students can reference throughout their academic career and utilize to prepare for their Board of Certification examination.”

-- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Instructor guide. Includes chapter objectives and a Chapter at a Glance elements to assist in quick construction of lecture slides and notes. Active learning suggestions offer ideas for classroom activities to stimulate thinking and bring the chapter material into focus. Critical thinking questions offer another engaging method of content delivery and assessment adaptable for use in large-group discussions, small-group assignments, home-study assignments, presentations, or reports.

Canadian Supplement. Consists of Microsoft Word and PDF manuscripts that provide instructors with Canadian-specific supplementary content to highlight differences in key practices and procedures. Specific material includes certification requirements from the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA), information on Canada’s health care and legal systems, nutrition guidelines, and assessment techniques. This unique ancillary provides a clear explanation of which content from the book is supplemented and assists professors in adapting their lectures by region to most effectively teach aspiring Canadian athletic therapists.

Test package. Features a bank of more than 500 questions in mutiple-choice, true-or-false, essay, and fill-in-the-blank formats. The test package is available for use through multiple formats, including a learning management system, Respondus, and rich text.

Image bank. Includes most of the figures, tables, and photos from the text, sorted by chapter, that can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.

Web resource. Integrates clinical learning with the book’s content. It contains 41 clinical proficiency exercises for students at the introductory level. These proficiency exercises are linked to educational behavioral objectives that student athletic trainers are required to demonstrate as evidence of their clinical competency in athletic training. The downloadable PDF modules can be completed online or printed.

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