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Contemporary Sport Management 7th Edition HKPropel Access

$39.95 USD

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$39.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718207547


Access Duration: 24 Months

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NOTE: This product provides access only to the supplemental online content for Contemporary Sport Management. Purchase this product only if you already own the book or ebook.

To assist students using the text, the seventh edition of Contemporary Sport Management has related online learning activities delivered through HKPropel. These 200-plus activities are designed to challenge students to think about careers in sport management and demonstrate an understanding of each chapter’s content. They include the following:
  • Case studies: 20 articles from the Case Studies in Sport Management (CSSM) online journal, referenced in each chapter, with short-answer questions
  • Job announcements: fabricated position announcements related to employment opportunities within particular sport settings that help students understand the skills that prospective employers are seeking
  • Comprehension activities: learning activities, including matching exercises and multiple-choice questions
  • Web activities: assignments in which students explore a specific website related to the chapter content
  • Day in the Life: activities tied to professional profiles from the text that ask students to evaluate how professionals spend their time
  • Portfolio activities: questions in which students respond to scenarios that require critical thinking, ethical decision making, or both
  • Chapter quizzes: short quizzes to test comprehension of each chapter’s main objectives
A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide an access code, one may be purchased separately.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Harold Nolan
Changes in the Sport Management Text

While I have considered this text one of the best on the topic of Sport Management, I am disappointed
that the organization has changed, getting away from the basic sport management concepts that undergraduate
students would be most interested in, and replacing these things with other less important items. I am also
concerned that certain types of sport participants and activities are left out. For example, the original section
on sport history is gone. Any topic of study needs to include where the area of study first developed. The concept of research is addressed in two different sections, where one would do the job. There is no chapter or information of the huge increase of masters sports (a big economic impact) and extreme sports. The area
of sports tourism has been eliminated, even though it is one of the largest areas of tourism growth in the world. The chapter on sports facilities and events should be in two different chapters, as there is much to review in
both areas, while I don't believe that there needs to be a full chapter on sports analytics. I am sorry that
this is not as good a text as the earlier additions.

Antonio Rocha

Contemporary Sport Management 7th Edition HKPropel Access

Jeremy Stolzenberg

Contemporary Sport Management 7th Edition Ebook With HKPropel Access