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Conditioning for Dance 2nd Edition With Web Resource

Training for Whole-Body Coordination and Efficiency

Author: Eric Franklin

$32.95 USD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$32.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492533634


Page Count: 400

Eric Franklin’s first edition of Conditioning for Dance was a bestseller—and it is back and better than ever, offering state-of-the-art conditioning exercises for dancers.

An internationally renowned master teacher, Franklin has developed a science-based method of conditioning that is taught and practiced in companies and schools around the world. In this new edition of Conditioning for Dance, he integrates the latest scientific research on strength, flexibility, and conditioning into his dance exercises.

New to This Edition

Since the first edition, the topic of dancers’ health, wellness, and conditioning has taken on even greater importance in the dance community. Franklin has responded to this increased emphasis by adding these new exercises and resources:

• Over 100 new conditioning exercises—for all parts of the body—to support dancers in a wide range of genres, forms, and styles

• Over 100 new illustrations and photos to explain and show the exercises

• Two new chapters with exercises for a complete conditioning plan

• A new web resource that offers 17 video clips featuring Franklin showing correct execution of the conditioning exercises from the book, two 20-minute portable whole-body workouts that use elastic bands to increase strength and aerobic conditioning for dance, and a personal conditioning program you can use to set goals chapter by chapter and monitor your conditioning development to support your performance. The web resource is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web resource is available separately.

In addition, the book is now printed in full color to enhance image quality in showing technique. Conditioning for Dance now has separate chapters for shoulders and feet, with additional information on calves and ankles. Franklin also offers practical tips to help you develop your personal conditioning plan, which you can set up through the web resource.

Applying Principles Through the Franklin Method

Conditioning for Dance is available in print and electronic formats. It uses the principles of resistance training, physics, anatomy, biomechanics, and neuroplasticity (using imagery for positive mental and physical changes) as applied to dance conditioning. Conditioning for Dance blends imagery, focus, and conditioning exercises for dancers to enhance their technique and performance while practicing injury-prevention strategies.

Franklin uses experiential anatomy to show and explain how the conditioning principles work to condition your body. As you undertake the exercises, you gain awareness of the body’s function and design and take in the knowledge of the principles through movement. This method, known as the Franklin Method, leads to greater understanding of your body, enhanced performance, and fewer injuries. Franklin developed the training systems within the book as well as a line of equipment, including the Franklin Band and Franklin Balls.

Franklin has designed the exercises to transfer directly into dance steps; as such, they are appropriate for incorporating into the preparation time for dance classes. You can use the two 20-minute elastic-band workouts from the web resource to prepare you for class or rehearsal and build your strength and aerobic capacities.

Immediate Benefits

Conditioning for Dance offers you the culmination of decades of wisdom and experience in dance conditioning from a master teacher. By using its practical exercises, mind–body relationships, and conditioning routines, and in transferring the book knowledge to body experience, you will notice immediate benefits to your conditioning, strength, and flexibility. You will become kinesthetically aware, create great dance technique from within your own body, and begin to craft injury-free and artistically successful routines.


Applied reference for dancers and dance educators. Textbook for undergraduate courses on dance fitness and conditioning.

Chapter 1. Conditioning Concepts for Body and Mind

Chapter 2. Mental Techniques for Successful Performance

Chapter 3. Improving Balance and Stability

Chapter 4. Flexibility in the Muscles and Fascia

Chapter 5. Dynamic Alignment and the Pelvic Floor

Chapter 6. Creating a Strong Core and Powerful Abdominal Muscles

Chapter 7. Conditioning the Muscles of the Pelvis, Hip Joint, and Knee

Chapter 8. Creating Stable, Flexible, and Expressive Feet

Chapter 9. Developing Power in the Torso, Shoulders, and Arms

Chapter 10. Improving Turns, Jumps, and Turnout

Chapter 11. Elastic Band Centre Workout

Appendix. Franklin Method Equipment and Resources

Eric Franklin is director and founder of the Institute for Franklin Method in Wetzikon, Switzerland. He has more than 35 years of experience as a dancer and choreographer, and he has shared imagery techniques in his teaching since 1986.

Franklin has taught extensively throughout the United States and Europe at the Juilliard School in New York, Royal Ballet School in London, Danish Ballet in Copenhagen, Dance Academy of Rome, and Institute for Psychomotor Therapy in Zurich. He was also a guest lecturer at the University of Vienna. He has provided training to Olympic and world-champion athletes and professional dance troupes such as Cirque du Soleil and the Forum de Dance in Monte Carlo. Franklin earned a BFA from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and a BS from the University of Zurich. He has been on the faculty of the American Dance Festival since 1991.

Franklin is coauthor of the best-selling book Breakdance, which received a New York City Public Library Prize in 1984, and author of 100 Ideen für Beweglichkeit and Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance (both books about imagery in dance and movement). He is a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science.

Franklin lives near Zurich, Switzerland.

The web resource includes 17 video clips of master teacher Eric Franklin providing instruction on how to execute conditioning exercises. Also included are instructions on how to set goals and monitor your personal conditioning to meet personal dance goals.

All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available online.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Para Dox
Very in-depth

Very insightful, detailed, and technical - it is for those who are really serious and committed