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Coaching Youth Gymnastics PDF

Author: USA Gymnastics

$19.95 USD

$19.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492573388


Page Count: 272

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Coaching Youth Gymnastics covers all the basics of coaching and gymnastics in a concise style that is customized for entry-level gymnastics coaches. Developed by ASEP in cooperation with USA Gymnastics, this one-of-a-kind book offers a unique blend of general coaching and sport-specific information. The book’s 600-plus photos will help you understand skill technique and decide what skills to teach your athletes.

Included are Coaching Tips boxes that highlight key concepts, in addition to information on developing a coaching philosophy, communicating with athletes and parents, and providing basic sport first aid. The latest information regarding concussions and CDC protocols is also addressed. The book contains forms and safety checklists and sample lesson and practice plans to help you stay on task.

Techniques and skills for bars, floor, beam, and vault are presented by skill level rather than by age groups and are applicable to both boys and girls where appropriate. Information on falling and landing as well as suggestions on activities, conditioning, and games are provided.

The expertise of USA Gymnastics and ASEP’s proven success in coaching education will ensure that you are adequately prepared for the challenges of coaching youth gymnastics. With content aimed at developing the entire coach, not just skills and drills, Coaching Youth Gymnastics will help you to create an environment that promotes learning, enjoyment, safety, and motivation for youth gymnasts.

Chapter 1. Stepping Into Coaching

Chapter 2. Communicating as a Coach

Chapter 3. Understanding Rules, Apparatus, and Equipment

Chapter 4. Providing for Gymnasts’ Safety

Chapter 5. Making Practices Fun and Practical

Chapter 6. Teaching and Shaping Skills

Chapter 7. Gymnastics Basics

Chapter 8. Floor Skills

Chapter 9. Vault Skills

Chapter 10. Bar Skills

Chapter 11. Balance Beam Skills

Chapter 12. Coaching on Meet Day

Chapter 13. Developing Season and Practice Plans

Kathy Feldmann, vice president of membership services at USA Gymnastics, has been involved in gymnastics for over 40 years. She has been a high school and college coach, physical education and health teacher, and private gymnastics club owner. Currently she holds a brevet rating as a women’s gymnastics official. Before assuming her current role, Kathy held positions in the USA Gymnastics organization as a national, regional, and state chair. She has been a USA Gymnastics collegiate liaison, commissioner of officials for Massachusetts high schools, delegation leader for world championships in 1994, and team leader for World University Games in 1995, 1997, and 1999. Kathy judges competitions for the Junior Olympic level as well as the collegiate level. She has officiated at numerous national, Olympic Trials, and international events. She was a technical assistant official at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.

Kathy has been at the USA Gymnastics national office since 1997 and as vice president oversees the three divisions of membership, club services, and educational services. She is the director of the annual national congress and trade show, which is the largest educational event conducted by USA Gymnastics.

Loree Galimore (director of club services) and Carisa Laughon (former director of educational services) contributed to the writing and development of this manual.

Loree Galimore is a former gymnast, club owner, coach and is a national NAWGJ women’s gymnastics judge. She has worked with USA Gymnastics for 14 years and is now the Director of Club Services. She helps people with the business of gymnastics, industry statistics and marketing the sport of gymnastics.

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