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Coaching Better Every Season

A year-round system for athlete development and program success

Author: Wade Gilbert

$26.95 USD

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$26.95 USD
$26.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492507666


Page Count: 424

Maximize the development of your athletes and team throughout the year, and just maybe win a postseason title in the process. Coaching Better Every Season: A Year-Round System for Athlete Development and Program Success presents a blueprint for such success, detailing proven coaching methods and practices in preseason, in-season, postseason, and off-season.

The Coach Doc, Dr. Wade Gilbert, shares his research-supported doses of advice that have helped coaches around the globe troubleshoot their ailing programs into title contenders. His field-tested yet innovative prescriptions and protocols for a more professional approach to coaching are sure to produce positive results both in competitive outcomes and in the enjoyment of the experience for athletes and coaches.

Coaching Better Every Season applies to all sports and guides coaches through the critical components of continual improvement while progressing from one season to the next in the annual coaching cycle. It also presents many practical exercises and evaluation tools that coaches can apply to athletes and teams at all levels of competition. This text is sure to make every year of coaching a more rewarding, if not a trophy-winning, experience.


The primary audiences for Coaching Better Every Season: A Year-Round System for Athlete Development and Program Success are coaches at the high school, club, college, and Olympic levels. Secondary audiences include serious youth sport coaches; students in college and university coaching courses; and sport administrators at the high school, collegiate, and Olympic levels.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
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Dr. Gilbert's book is the blueprint for sport coaching success. Be prepared, this is an advanced text only for top-tier growth mindset coaches who are committed to all-in high performance. Broken down into seasons, Dr. G outlines countless strategies for achieving buy-in, compliance, and handling tough situations such as discipline. As a side, I saw Wade speak at the highly prestigious Gambetta Athletic Improvement Network sports training conference at Rice U and his presentation remains influential years later.

Ronald Kipp
I was unimpressed.

Difficult to read. The text is basic and just rambles on and on. I could not read more than a few pages at a time due to boredom.