Canoeing and Kayaking for People with Disabilities PDF
Author: Janet Zeller
$27.00 USD
Access Duration: 10 Years

<b>Chapter 1</b> Introduction
Who Has a Disability?
Why Canoeing or Kayaking?
<b>Chapter 2</b> General Guidelines
What to Say
What to Do
Risk Management
<b>Chapter 3</b> Legal Requirements: Accessibility of Facilities and Programs
Basic Legal Requirements
Facility Access
Evaluating Facilities
Accessibility at Launching and Landing Sites
Mobility Device Security
Safety Issues
Program Access
Integrated Setting
Developing Essential Eligibility Criteria
Accessible Information
<b>Chapter 4</b> Instructor Checklists
Program Overview
Medical Information Sheet
Paddler’s Interview
Preprogram Scouting
<b>Chapter 5</b> Equipping the Paddler
Selecting Clothing
Life Jackets or Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Selecting Canoes and Kayaks
Selecting a Paddle
<b>Chapter 6</b> Disabilities and Their Implications for Paddling and Instruction
Upper Limb (Arm and/or Hand)
Upper-Limb Amputation
General Impairment of the Leg(s)
Lower Limb (Leg and/or Foot): People Using Wheelchairs
Lower-Limb Amputation
Hearing Impairment
Visual Impairment
Lung Diseases
Cognitive and Brain Function Impairment
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Side Effects of Medication
<b>Chapter 7</b> Adaptation Principles
Outfitting for Optimal Performance
Five-Point Outfitting
Stable Seating
Mobility and Safety
Skin Protection
Wheelchair Seat Cushions and Paddling
The Layering System
Basic Tool Kit
Building a Bulkhead
<b>Chapter 8</b> Adaptations Based on Functional Impairments
Upper Limb (Arm and Hand)
Upper-Limb Amputation
Lower Limb (Leg and Foot)
Lower-Limb Amputation
Low Vision or Blind
Cognitive and Brain Function Impairment
<b>Chapter 9</b> Rescues
Rescue Priorities
Adaptations for Rolling
<b>Chapter 10</b> Transfers and Carries
Transfer and Carry Techniques
<b>Chapter 11</b> Paddling Trips
Ratio of Paddlers With and Without Disabilities
Route Selection
Taking Wheelchairs and Mobility Devices on Trips
Wheelchairs and Mobility Devices on Portages
Repair Kits
Personal Hygiene
Interviewing a Potential Outfitter, Guide, or Organization Before Taking a Trip
<b>Appendix A</b> Resources
<b>Appendix B</b> Medical Information Sheet
<b>Appendix C</b> Paddler’s Interview
<b>Appendix D</b> Skin: The Body’s Biggest Organ System
<b>Appendix E</b> Spinal Column
<b>Appendix F</b> Universal River Signals
About the Author
About the Editor
About the Contributors
About the Organization
In 1989 Zeller developed the integrated adaptive paddling program for the American Canoe Association (ACA). With Annie Wortham Webre, she coauthored the first book focused on opening the sport to paddlers with disabilities. Since 1990 Zeller has traveled nationwide as an ACA instructor trainer educator of adaptive paddling workshops. She trains canoeing and kayaking instructors, recreation and health care students and professionals, and those who run water-based recreation programs in the techniques for integrating people with disabilities into their programs.
Zeller is the National Accessibility Program manager for the U.S. Forest Service, author of numerous articles, and a frequent presenter on accessibility, universal design, and inclusive outdoor recreation at national, regional, university, and local forums. In her free time she enjoys sea kayaking, canoeing, and wilderness camping.