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Bowling 2nd Edition PDF

Steps to Success

Author: Douglas Wiedman

$23.95 USD

$23.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492580010


Page Count: 256

Access Duration: 10 Years

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See your average rise and the pins fall with the second edition of Bowling: Steps to Success.

Inside you’ll find progressive, detailed instruction on all aspects of the game. You’ll learn these essential skills and strategies:

• Grip

• Stance

• Footwork

• Arm swing

• Approach

• Timing

• Release

You’ll also learn the best strategies for targeting and picking up spares as well as correcting common errors and adjusting to various lane conditions.

Best of all, this updated second edition features new full-color photos and diagrams, dozens of drills, self-scoring exercises for charting progress, and professional advice for improving your performance.

Part of Human Kinetics’ popular Steps to Success series—with more than 2.5 million copies sold worldwide—Bowling: Steps to Success will have you landing solid strikes and converting even the most stubborn spares in no time.

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