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Baseball Strategies

$32.95 USD

$32.95 USD

ISBN: 9780736042185


Page Count: 360

Some books teach coaches and players what to do; this also explains why. Developed by an all-star cast of coaches selected by the American Baseball Coaches Association, Baseball Strategies is the most comprehensive resource ever written on the tactical aspects of the game. Providing the content are 18 of the game's top strategists, including several coaches whose teams have totaled more than 1,000 wins and have won national championships.

Meet every decision-making challenge, from setting the most effective lineup at the plate and in the field to deciding what play to call and when to call it in tight game situations. Should a runner be sent on a 2-2 pitch with one out? Should a hitter be walked to allow for a force-out even if the next batter is an RBI leader? When should a pitcher hold a runner on base from the stretch position or pitch from a more comfortable full windup? The analyses and answers to all of these questions and many more can be found in this book.

In part I, you'll learn the specifics of offense, from determining the hitting lineup to studying the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing pitcher and defense. The contributors to the offensive side of the game include Itch Jones, Mike Gillespie, Danny Hall, and Mark Johnson. In part II, experts such as Bob Bennett and John Winkin explore pitching from every angle, including strategies for shutting down hitters, stopping baserunners, and fielding the position. In Parts III and Parts IV, you'll learn better defensive strategies for fine-tuning your strategic approach from George Horton, Jim Morris, and Bobo Brayton, just to name a few.

Take a big tactical lead on your opponent. From position-specific responsibilities to situation-specific options to adjusting to the level of competition to altering your game plan in the middle innings, Baseball Strategies covers all the bases to give you a winning advantage in thinking the game.

Part I Offense
1. Determining the Lineup and Batting Order
Richard “Itch” Jones

2. Scouting and Studying the Opposition
Chuck Hartman

3. Using Signals for Hitting and Baserunning
Mike Gillespie

4. Hitting Strategy
Mark Johnson

5. Base Running Strategy
Danny Hall

6. Decision Making in Specific Offensive Situations
Jack Stallings

Part II Pitching
7. Shutting Down Hitters
Keith Madison

8. Stopping Baserunners
Bob Bennett

9. Fielding the Position
Geoff Zahn

10. Working a Game
John Winkin

11. Handling Pitchers
Steve Hertz

Part III Defense
12. Setting the Line up: Positions 2-9
Jim Morris

13. Defensive Positioning
George Horton

14. Defensive Tactics
Bob Morgan

Part IV Fine-Tuning Your Strategic Approach
15. Adjusting for Different Levels of Competition
John Herbold

16. Adapting the Game Plan for Different Situations
Dick Birmingham

17. Playing the Game the Right Way
Bobo Brayton

The American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA) is the largest baseball coaching organization in the world, including coaches from every state in the country and hundreds of international members. The association's mission is to improve the level of baseball coaching worldwide. The ABCA assists in the promotion of baseball and acts as a sounding board and advocate on issues concerning the game. In addition, the ABCA promotes camaraderie and communication among all baseball coaches from the amateur to professional levels. The ABCA also gives recognition to deserving players and coaches through several special sponsorship programs. It is an organization that has grown steadily in membership, prestige, and impact in recent years. The ABCA's headquarters is located in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

From Scholastic Coach & Athletic Director
Two great coaches (editors) and a picked team of 18 topnotch coaches offer an outstanding compendium of talent on all the mechanics and niceties of pitching......Super stuff all the way up and down the line; including the writing, the illustrations, and the mentalities behind the expositions.

It is good stuff - sharp, insightful, thorough.

We strongly recommend this book for coaches at all levels of the game. We love it and feel that you will too!

From Collegiate Baseball
This book has a tremendous amount to offer for baseball coaches and players in the game. It is unquestionably one of the top books have ever read on the subject of strategy and should be required reading for everyone in baseball.

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