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Athletic Fitness for Kids PDF

$19.95 USD

$19.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492573289


Page Count: 184

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Authors Scott Lancaster and Radu Teodorescu bring a wealth of experience to Athletic Fitness for Kids. Lancaster, the founder and CEO of Youth Evolution Sports, a multimedia, content, and youth sports marketing company that services kids, parents, coaches, corporations, and major league sport organizations, has been developing youth sport fitness and athletic conditioning programs for 19 years. Teodorescu runs a training center in New York City and is a monthly columnist for Seventeen. For more than 25 years he has trained everyone from kids to celebrities, including Jennifer Lopez, Candice Bergen, Matthew Broderick, and Vanessa Williams. He is widely known for creating, writing, and producing videos with celebrity model and fitness enthusiast Cindy Crawford, including Shape Your Body, which is the best-selling fitness video of all time.

In Athletic Fitness for Kids, Lancaster and Teodorescu team up to provide effective strategies for youth coaches and parents of 8- to 13-year-olds to use in developing the seven key skills athletes need to excel: flexibility, coordination, balance, stamina, strength, speed, and agility.
Lancaster and Teodorescu include activities and drills to develop overall athleticism as well as sport-specific skills for baseball, basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, and tennis. The authors help kids develop physical skills in settings that are both fun and challenging and provide the foundation for athletic excellence. Kids will achieve long–term benefits such as higher self-esteem and improved fitness levels.
Chapter 1. The Athletic Fitness Method
Chapter 2. Set Up the Program
Chapter 3. Improve Flexibility
Chapter 4. Gain Coordination
Chapter 5. Build Balance
Chapter 6. Boost Stamina
Chapter 7. Increase Strength
Chapter 8. Maximize Speed
Chapter 9. Enhance Agility

Appendix A: Metric Conversions
Appendix B: Throwing Tips
Scott Lancaster is the founder and CEO of Youth Evolution Sports, a multimedia, content, and youth sports marketing company that services kids, parents, coaches, corporations, and major league sport organizations. He has developed youth sport programs for the past 19 years, both in affiliation with U.S. Soccer and as the former senior director of youth football for the National Football League. The author of Fair Play, he has been interviewed by numerous media outlets, including the NBC Today Show, CNN, the CBS Early Show, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe, National Public Radio, Woman's Day, and Ladies' Home Journal. He also hosts his own national youth sports radio show, The ABCs of Sports, for parents and coaches on Sirius Radio, channel 123.

Radu Teodorescu runs a training center in New York City, where he has trained everyone from children to celebrities, including Jennifer Lopez, Candice Bergen, Matthew Broderick, and Vanessa Williams. Teodorescu has been featured in more than 400 magazine articles and has spoken at conferences and given fitness clinics across the United States. He is widely known for creating, writing, and producing videos with celebrity model and fitness enthusiast Cindy Crawford, including Shape Your Body, which is the best-selling fitness video of all time.
Athletic Fitness for Kids is the foundation for preparing any young athlete to reach his or her full potential through innovative and kid-friendly training methods.”
Toby Dawson
2006 Olympic Bronze Medalist—Freestyle Skiing

“Scott Lancaster has ignited a much-needed revolution in youth sports that will set it in the right direction for generations to come.”
Boomer Esiason
CBS Football TV and Radio Analyst
Former NFL Player


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