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Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance

Author: David H. Fukuda

$7.99 USD $28.95 USD

$7.99 USD

ISBN: 9781492559887


Page Count: 304

Many scientific sport assessment resources are difficult to understand, can be time consuming to implement, and provide data that are difficult to analyze. Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance effectively solves those problems in this practical, user-friendly guide to performance-based evaluation.

A perfect resource for coaches and fitness professionals, Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance is a streamlined guide through the process of identifying appropriate tests for individuals or teams, making use of common low-cost equipment to administer the tests, interpreting data, adjusting training programs based on the results, and continually monitoring training.

For each assessment, this text walks you through a step-by-step process and includes a script of directions to give the athlete or client being tested to ensure the tests are performed correctly. You’ll find a variety of protocols that do not require complicated equipment and can be conveniently conducted in your normal training environment. You’ll be able to assess your athletes or clients in the following areas:

• Anthropometrics and body composition

• Flexibility and balance

• Agility and sprinting

• Power

• Muscular strength and endurance

• Cardiorespiratory fitness

In addition, each assessment is accompanied by normative data to set baseline evaluations and to monitor progress over time. As a refreshing break from the typical complex tables, the normative data are displayed in modern, simplified figures that make it easy to quickly evaluate test results.

Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance takes the guesswork out of determining which tests to administer and what equipment is needed. It will equip you with the tools needed to help your athletes and clients achieve even greater success.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.


Applied reference for anyone needing to test and assess athletes and clients of any age and ability. A resource for coaches at any level, strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, and other fitness professionals.

Part I. Basics of Assessment

Chapter 1. Assessment 101: Who, Why, and How?

Chapter 2. Assessment 201: What Equipment?

Chapter 3. Assessment 301: Which Tests?

Part II. Assessment Protocols

Chapter 4. Anthropometrics and Body Composition

Chapter 5. Flexibility and Balance

Chapter 6. Agility and Sprinting

Chapter 7. Power

Chapter 8. Muscular Strength and Endurance

Chapter 9. Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Chapter 10. Monitoring Training

David Fukuda, PhD, CSCS,*D, CISSN, is an associate professor and head of the division of kinesiology at the University of Central Florida. He was previously an assistant professor at Creighton University and a research assistant at the University of Oklahoma, where he earned his doctorate in exercise physiology. His research interests include the development of performance-based testing methodologies, the analysis of physiological profiles in athletes, and the assessment of adaptations to exercise training and nutritional interventions for various populations.

Fukuda is certified as a strength and conditioning specialist with distinction through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is certified as a sports nutritionist through the International Society of Sports Nutrition. He was awarded the Terry J. Housh Outstanding Young Investigator Award in 2016 by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Fukuda is a fourth-degree black belt in judo and for the past 20 years has been involved in the sport as a competitor, instructor, coach, and referee.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jan Cabri
Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance

Good basics, but not up-to-date. Newer technologies and methods are not included.