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Archery Fundamentals 2nd Edition PDF

Author: Teresa Johnson

$19.95 USD

$19.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492579328


Page Count: 176

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Archery is one of the hottest sports out there, and there's no better introduction to the sport than Archery Fundamentals, Second Edition.

Inside are all of the essentials you need to succeed and get on target. From stringing your bow to learning basic shooting technique, instructions and accompanying photographs will guide you through every step of the shot. 

You'll also find insider tips for choosing, adjusting, and maintaining archery equipment as well as recommendations for using accessories to improve your accuracy. You'll discover how to correct errors and fine-tune your approach. And, if you want to compete, you'll appreciate our how-tos for trying archery tournaments.  

Archery Fundamentals is a better, faster, and safer way to learn the basics. With this book, you'll have as much fun learning the art of shooting as you'll have hitting your target!

Chapter 1 Bows

Chapter 2 Arrows

Chapter 3 Accessories

Chapter 4 Shooting Recurve

Chapter 5 Shooting Compound

Chapter 6 Alignment, Anchor Points, and Releases

Chapter 7 Taking Aim

Chapter 8 Maximizing Performance

Chapter 9 Scoring

Chapter 10 Equipment Maintenance and Repair

Chapter 11 Competition

Chapter 12 Traditional Archery

Teresa Johnson received USA Archery’s 2010 Developmental Coach of the Year Award and has coached recreational and competitive youth and adult archers since 2007. She is a level 4 National Training System (NTS)-certified archery coach and level 3 NTS coach trainer. Johnson has shot compound and recurve bows for over 10 years.

Johnson specializes in public relations. Combining her love of archery with her passion for communications in her daily work, she served as the press attaché for the U.S. archery team at the London 2012 Olympic Games. She also was project coordinator for Archery (Human Kinetics, 2013), edited by USA Archery.

Johnson resides in Connecticut with her husband, Butch, a five-time Olympian and Olympic gold medalist in archery.

“A comprehensive overview, Archery Fundamentals is perfect for those new to the sport.”

Denise Parker-- Three-time Olympian (1988, 1992, 2000) and Bronze Medalist (1988)

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