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Anatomy & Kinesiology Flashcards

Author: FMP, LLC

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9781450428378

With over 200 superior-quality illustrations, Anatomy & Kinesiology Flashcards offer students and professionals a convenient way to learn the configurations and actions of musculoskeletal systems. Tested in a classroom setting, the resulting product offers students and professionals a dynamic way of studying and retaining information about these systems.

Unlike other anatomy flashcards that offer only anatomical illustrations, Anatomy & Kinesiology Flashcards cover all musculoskeletal structures and movements. The cards are broken down into 10 sections: shoulder girdle, shoulder joint, elbow joint complex, wrist and hand joints, neck and atlanto-occipital joints, back-spinal joints, abdominal and respiratory area, pelvic girdle and hip joint, knee joint, and ankle and foot joints. Each section begins with review cards showing the muscles acting on, joints of, and joint movements of that section. Anatomy & Kinesiology Flashcards also include cards featuring key abbreviations, definitions of anatomical directional terminology, classifications of joints, general anatomical movement terms, and planes and axes of rotation for quick reference. An addendum covers bony landmarks.

The hand-sized printed flashcards are packaged with a holder so they can be easily transported and readily accessed. The sequence of cards makes it simple to quickly locate a specific muscle or muscle group, and the cards can be reorganized to suit the study needs of each user. The logical organizational structure of the cards makes it easy for students to learn, memorize, and recall the information.

Anatomy & Kinesiology Flashcards are a convenient option for students and professionals looking to review the configurations and actions of the musculoskeletal system. This tested approach offers portability and ease of use that textbooks do not always provide.


Study resource for students in undergraduate anatomy and kinesiology courses; also a review resource for professionals in fields dealing with anatomy and movement, such as physical and occupational therapy, athletic training, and fitness instruction.

Bryan K. Fillmore is a doctoral candidate in physical therapy at Baylor University. He received a BS in exercise science from Brigham Young University and serves as a second lieutenant in the Army Medical Specialist Corps. Fillmore has served as adjunct faculty and student advisor in the exercise and sport science department at Brigham Young. He holds membership in the American Physical Therapy Association and National Strength and Conditioning Association and is a USA Weightlifting certified sports performance coach.

Mark McKenna grew up in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains, having lived in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in illustration along with his Bachelor of Science in art education from Brigham Young University–Idaho in 2010. Since 2008, Mark has been working as a part-time freelance illustrator, and has had his work published by numerous publishing houses. He and his little growing family currently reside in Cody, Wyoming where he teaches art at the local high school. Outside of work, Mark has recently shifted most of his artistic endeavors to the fine arts, pursuing his passion of wildlife and landscape painting.

Lynn Robert Perkes, MS, ATC, received his MS degree in analysis of human motion and BS in athletic training from Brigham Young University. He is a certified athletic trainer and a professor in the Health, Recreation, and Human Sciences department at Brigham Young University-Idaho. He teaches classes in Kinesiology and Biomechanics and Health and Fitness Appraisal and Prescription and serves as a faculty advisor to the university’s student run wellness center.

“These flashcards would be a useful addition to a student's library as a way to review anatomy. They are simple to use and easy for them to organize in whatever manner they wish to facilitate learning. The colorful illustrations are extremely detailed and easy to read.”

—Doody’s Book Review

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