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Adaptive Recreation Skills-BYUI

$26.66 USD

$26.66 USD

ISBN: 9781718222359


Page Count: 141

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook includes chapters from Inclusive Leisure. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Adaptive Recreation Skills (RM 366) at Brigham Young University Idaho.


Custom ebook for students taking the course Adaptive Recreation Skills (RM 366) at Brigham Young University Idaho.
Introduction to Inclusion
Foundational Principles of Inclusion
Legal Foundations of Inclusion
Inclusion in Sport
Inclusive Aquatics
Inclusive Playgrounds
Inclusive Arts
Inclusive Leisure

Mary Ann Devine, EdD, PhD, is a professor in the recreation, parks, and tourism management program at Kent State University, where she directs the disability studies and community inclusion minor, a program she developed. She has authored over 30 articles and book chapters as well as the book Programming Trends in Therapeutic Recreation. She has delivered numerous research presentations on the international, national, state, and regional levels. She currently serves on the editorial boards of Therapeutic Recreation Journal and the Journal of Leisure Research. In 2009, Devine received the Gonzaga da Gama Researcher of the Year award from the National Institute on Recreation Inclusion and National Recreation and Park Association. She is currently an advisory board member for the Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board in Akron, Ohio. She is a fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences.

Lynn S. Anderson, PhD, is a distinguished service professor at State University of New York at Cortland, where she also serves as the founding director of the Inclusive Recreation Resource Center. She has served as chairperson of the recreation, parks, and leisure studies department and coordinator of the online therapeutic recreation graduate program, a program she developed. Her research interests include strengths-based approaches in therapeutic recreation and inclusion in recreation and therapeutic recreation services. She has written three textbooks and numerous book chapters and research articles, and she has delivered professional presentations and workshops on the international, national, regional, state, and local levels. Anderson currently serves on the editorial board for Therapeutic Recreation Journal. She is a fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences as well as a distinguished fellow of the National Academy of Recreational Therapists.

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