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EuropeActive's Foundations for Exercise Professionals

Author: EuropeActive

$45.00 USD

$45.00 USD

ISBN: 9781450423779


Page Count: 352

EuropeActive’s Foundations for Exercise Professionals provides core knowledge and industry standards to help exercise professionals serve their clients. Endorsed by EuropeActive, the continent’s leading standard-setting organisation in fitness and health, this text is an authoritative guide for current and future exercise professionals and training providers in Europe.

The book uses scientific foundations to cover concepts and hands-on skills that promote best practices in exercise instruction and training. The content applies to all levels of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and associated job titles—the only resource to do so—and matches the core information for EQF levels 3 and 4. Thus, this instructional guide ensures smooth movement and work transfers among employers, educational institutions and countries in Europe.

Written by renowned experts in exercise and sport sciences and framed in the European Register of Exercise Professionals’ Code of Ethical Practice for exercise professionals, the text offers several practical features for readers:

  • Easy-to-apply instruction accompanied by 88 full-colour photos and 68 illustrations offer an ideal visual learning experience.
  • Complete descriptions and images detail proper form for common free-weight and machine-resistance training exercises.
  • Explanations and recommendations are included for the most popular cardiorespiratory exercise equipment.
  • Official nutrition recommendations prepare professionals to address clients’ concerns.
  • The complete Code of Ethical Practice serves as a guide for all exercise professionals in Europe.

EuropeActive’s Foundations for Exercise Professionals begins by covering the bones, joints, muscles and cardiovascular system to ensure a proper understanding of the body’s movement and physiology. Readers then learn the components of exercise theory and prescription, including energy systems; body composition; resistance, aerobic and flexibility training; warm-up and cool-down; and the principle of progression. The book helps professionals become role models in the industry with information on managing lifestyle through physical activity, health, nutrition, hydration and safety. After gaining foundational knowledge, readers will look closer at the role of the exercise professional, starting with building rapport, motivating, screening and assessing clients. The final chapters discuss the basic aspects of training: exercise technique using weight machines, free weights and cardiorespiratory equipment.

Both aspiring and qualified exercise professionals should keep abreast of foundational information about all areas of the health and fitness sector in order to properly serve the industry and their clients. EuropeActive’s Foundations for Exercise Professionals is an ideal reference for promoting physical activity, making lifestyles healthier and guiding clients toward their fitness goals.


A resource for individuals working toward the reference levels of the European Qualifications Framework and exercise professionals striving to comply with the latest industry standards and best practices.

Chapter 1. Bones and Joints

Marco Branco and Rita Santos-Rocha

Major Bones and Joints

Types of Bones and Joints

Structure and Function of the Skeleton

Structure and Function of the Spine

Movements at the Three Main Spinal Curves

Stability and Movement Within Each Type of Joint


Chapter 2. Muscles

Anders Nedergaard

Skeletal Muscle Biology

Smooth Muscle

Cardiac Muscle


Chapter 3. Muscle Action

Daniel Robbins and Edzard Zeinstra

Types of Muscle Actions

Neuromuscular Physiology

Muscles and Movement

Muscles and Force Generation


Chapter 4. Heart, Lungs and Circulation

Andrea Ermolao and Marco Bergamin

Mechanics of Breathing

Heart and Cardiovascular System

Blood Pressure and the Effects of Exercise

Short and Long Term Effects of Exercise on the Heart, Lungs and Circulatory System


Chapter 5. Energy Systems

Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalo, José Antonio de Paz, and Fernando Naclerio

Three Energy Systems That Produce ATP

Oxygen Uptake, VO2max and Excess of Oxygen Uptake

Effects of Intensity and Duration on Energy System and Fuel Interaction During Physical Activity


Chapter 6. Components and Principles of Fitness

Eliseo Iglesias-Soler and Mark Chapman

Physical Fitness and Health-Related Fitness

Relationship Among Physical Activity and Exercise, Health Related Fitness and Health


Chapter 7. Resistance Training

Fernando Naclerio and Jeremy Moody

Muscle Action and Type of Contraction

Muscular Strength and Repetition Maximum Continuum

Overload Principle Applied to Muscular Strength

Common Resistance Training Methods and Systems

Muscle-Group Split Routines


Chapter 8. Aerobic Training

Jonathan Esteve-Lanao, Roberto Cejuela Anta, and Claudia Cardona González Physiological and Health-Related Changes From Aerobic Training

Benefits of Aerobic Training

Continuous and Interval Aerobic Training

Types of Activities in Endurance Training

Overload Principle Applied to Aerobic Training

Application of All Training Principles to Aerobic Training

Methods of Intensity Monitoring

Exercise Session Structure

Cardiorespiratory Training Systems

Periodisation and Training Load Quantification


Chapter 9. Flexibility Training

Jagdeep Singh Matharoo

Range-of-Motion Continuum

Physiological and Health-Related Changes From Stretching

Types of Flexibility Exercises

Methods for Training Flexibility

Stretch Reflex, Desensitisation and Lengthening of Muscle Tissue (Muscle Creep)

FITTA Principle Applied to Stretching

Factors Affecting Potential Range of Motion


Chapter 10. Body Composition

Elvis A. Carnero and Manuel A. Giráldez García

Hierarchical Organisation for the Study of Body Composition

Body-Composition Measurement

BIA and Anthropometry

Factors Affecting Body Composition


Chapter 11. Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Bettina Karsten and Xurxo Dopico

Definition of Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Types of Warm-Ups

Physiological Effects

Duration and Intensity Recommendations


Chapter 12. Progression

Ian Jeffreys

Homeostasis in the Body

General Adaptation Syndrome


Chapter 13. Promoting Physical Activity and Health

Steven Mann and Alfonso Jimenez



Impaired Fasting Glucose


Barriers and Motivators for Physical Activity and Exercise


Chapter 14. Basic Nutrition and Hydration Guidelines

Robert Cooper and Judith Allgrove


Energy Expenditure

Body Composition

Dehydration and Physical Activity

Hydration Strategies

Official Nutrition Recommendations


Chapter 15. Safe and Effective Exercise

Rita Santos-Rocha and Nuno Pimenta

Exercise as Mechanical and Metabolic Stimuli

Risks Associated With Exercise

Preliminary Health Screening and Risk Assessment


Chapter 16. Body Awareness and Exercise Technique

Vera Simões and Rita Santos Rocha

Being a Role Model in Exercise Performance and Technique

Correcting Posture and Body Alignment, Range of Motion, Control, Timing and Form


Chapter 17. Building Rapport and Customer Care

Thomas Rieger

Understanding Intimacy as a Key Requirement

Dimensions of Rapport

Methods of Building Rapport


Chapter 18. Motivating the Exerciser

Jeremy Moody and Jack Davies

Motives to Exercise

Behavioural Strategies to Enhance Exercise and Health Behaviour Change

Transtheoretical Model


Chapter 19. Screening and Assessing

Jeremy Moody and Ryan Stevens

Evaluation of Fitness Components

Screening and Assessing for Medical History

Psychological Aspects of Fitness


Chapter 20. Resistance Exercise Using Machines

Roger Earle

Terms and Definitions


Practical Guidelines for Teaching Resistance Training Exercises Using Machines

Technique Guidelines

Additional Machine Exercises


Chapter 21. Resistance Exercise Using Free Weights

Roger Earle

Terms and Definitions


Safe and Effective Spotting Techniques

Practical Guidelines for Teaching Resistance Training Exercises Using Free Weights

Technique Guidelines

Additional Free-Weight Exercises


Chapter 22. Cardiorespiratory Exercise

Henk Jan Thoes and Riccardo Marini




Upright Bike

Recumbent Bike


Linear-Stride Cross-Trainer

Variable-Stride Cross-Trainer

Lateral-Movement Cross-Trainer

Upper-Body Ergometer


About EuropeActive

The European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) uses the EuropeActive standards to ensure that exercise professionals are qualified to offer safe and effective fitness programmes to their clients all across Europe. EREPS provides consumers, employers and partners in medical professions with confidence so that registered trainers are competent and work to support its Code of Ethical Practice, which defines the rights and principles of exercise professionals. Referencing the EuropeActive standards to each trainer and being registered mean that they have met the minimum standards of good practice and that they are committed to raising the standards of their skills and professional status through a process of lifelong learning.

EREPS is regulated by the EuropeActive Standards Council using the official European Qualifications Framework, which describes the knowledge, skills and competencies exercise professionals need to achieve for registration.

About the Editors

Thomas Rieger is the chairman of the standards council of EuropeActive. He holds a doctoral degree in social sciences with a specialization in sport science (German PhD equivalent) from the University of Tübingen and a master’s degree in public health. In 2007, he was appointed as a professor of sport management at the Business and Information Technology School (BiTS) in Iserlohn, Germany. At BiTS, he is the vice dean of the bachelor’s programme of sport and event management and the MSc programme of international sport and event management. Previously, Dr. Rieger served as the visiting professor at the Real Madrid Graduate School and the European University Cyprus in Nicosia. Before entering academia in 2006, he gained more than six years of experience in the fitness industry, especially in the fields of fitness marketing and quality management.

Fernando Naclerio is the principal lecturer in strength training and sport nutrition and the MSc programme leader of strength and conditioning at the Centre for Sports Science and Human Performance at the University of Greenwich, UK. He is a strength and conditioning coach (CSCS-NSCA) and a certified international society sport nutritionist (CISSN). Dr. Naclerio has more than 30 years of experience as a coach, consultant and academic in many countries in Europe and South America. He has published five books, multiple book chapters and more than 100 scientific papers on training and sport nutrition. Dr. Naclerio’s research is currently focused on the effects of resistance training and nutrition strategies on performance, injury prevention and muscle structure as well as morphology in children, adolescents and older adults.

Alfonso Jiménez, PhD, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, FLF, is a professor of exercise and health and the faculty dean of the health, exercise and sport sciences department at European University of Madrid (Spain) and a member of the scientific advisory board of UKActive Research Institute. Dr. Jiménez holds a visiting professorial appointment at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia, as the international research associate. He is the chair of the Fitness Australia/ISEAL research programme and scientific advisory committee at the University of Greenwich in London. During the time that he was head of school and deputy dean at Victoria University, Dr. Jiménezz served as a professor and head of the Centre for Sports Sciences and Human Performance at the University of Greenwich. From 2009 to 2012, Professor Jiménez was the chairman of the standards council of EuropeActive, which at the time was called the European Health & Fitness Association. He was awarded honorary membership in recognition of his outstanding service. Dr. Jiménez’s background before entering academia centred on the fitness industry in management, research and sales.

Jeremy Moody is the MSc programme director for strength and conditioning at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Wales, UK, and a frequent national and international speaker in the fields of strength and conditioning and elite sport performance management. Dr. Moody’s experience extends across many able-bodied and disabled sports, and he has worked with many successful athletes at the Commonwealth, European, World, Olympic and Paralympic levels of competition as well as with many youth and developing athletes. Previously, he was the performance director for Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby and the Welsh Judo Association, a senior performance manager for UK Athletics and a regional lead strength and conditioning coach for the English Institute of Sport.

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