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Exercise Prescription, Instruction, and Assessment

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Our wide range of exercise prescription, instruction, and fitness assessment books and textbooks are written with today's current and future fitness professionals in mind. Research-backed and designed to provide the latest guidelines for fitness testing, you'll find the best tools for measuring fitness levels and tracking fitness progress. Download an ebook today to start learning and have easy access to all the exercise assessment screening information you need on your digital device.

Find exercise assessments for body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, and balance. After exercise testing, safely prescribe exercises for special populations including those with chronic diseases, disabilities, and cancer survivors. You'll be prepared to design science-backed and effective fitness programming for youth, older adults, and frail elderly.

Whether you're newly certified or a seasoned personal trainer or fitness instructor, our continuing education courses help you learn the information you need while earning the CECs and CEUs you need to keep your certification up to date with top fitness organizations including ACSM, ACE, NCSA, and ISSA.