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Exercise Nutrition

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Our research-backed exercise nutrition books and ebooks are essential resources for dietitians, sport nutritionists, fitness and health and wellness professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, strength and conditioning coaches, and personal trainers.

Academic textbooks and professional reference books provide in-depth understanding of how food and sport supplements can enhance exercise and sport performance for optimal training, competition, and recovery, as well as overall health. Get training and performance advice for those with diabetes and those with special dietary needs. Learn the basics or get more scientific information that covers all aspects of food selection, digestion, metabolism, and hydration relevant to sport and exercise performance.

Print and online continuing education courses from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and highly regarded registered dietitians and sport nutritionists will help you reach and maintain your professional goals and certifications from ACE, ACSM, NASN, just to name a few.