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Ancillary Materials


Did you know most of our textbooks come with ancillaries to help you create a well-organized syllabus, test your students’ understanding, and more? These materials are free to course adopters and granted by your sales representative. Adopt a textbook or contact a sales representative to get access to ancillaries for your course.

Once your sales representative has granted you access to the relevant teaching ancillaries for your course you can access them at My E-Products.


Test package
This gives you a selection of questions for each chapter, often in a variety of formats including multiple choice, true-or-false, and essay format. They can be utilized to create your own tests and quizzes for use with your students and classes. Files can be downloaded in Respondus, in Rich Text Format (RTF), or formatted for LMS use.

Chapter quizzes
These pre-made quizzes allow you to assess students’ mastery of the most important chapter concepts. Offer a written quiz by downloading RTF files or import the LMS-compatible quiz files for online use.

Instructor guide
This guide offers tools to help you successfully deliver the course and often emphasizes areas that students may find difficult to understand. It often includes suggested course outlines, reading schedules and class assessments, as well as key references, and/or video clips.

Presentation package
These ready-made presentations for every chapter of the book feature hundreds of slides highlighting the key concepts, including images and video clips. The slides can be used within PowerPoint or can be printed to make transparencies or handouts for distribution to students. You can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides, and there is also a blank presentation template for you to pick and choose relevant content specific to your course.

Image bank
Usually including all or most of the figures, tables, and diagrams contained in the text, sorted by chapter, the images can be used to develop customized presentations based on your specific course requirements. You can also use them to create flyers and handouts for your students.


Web study guide/Web resource
Instructors have access to all student resources that come with new texts and ebooks. Resources are uniquely created for each product and include tools that directly aid in learning experience for each text’s content. It may include tips, key points, and/or activities, such as video-based projects and self-assessments.


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