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Tips for avoiding injury and staying healthy in your running career with Dr. Emmi Aguillard and Coach Jonathan Cane

Friday, August 16, 2024

Aches, pains, and sometimes the unfortunate injury are all associated with running, whether competitively or recreationally. Dr. Emmi Aguillard and Coach Jonathan Cane joined this episode to discuss their book, Run Healthy: The Runner's Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment. They detail tips and strategies to get healthy and stay healthy in order to get the most out of your running and race journey. 


Emmi Aguillard, PT, DPT, FAFS is a fulltime physical therapist managing her own private practice that specializes in treating and training runners. She also has advanced training in pelvic health and works with women to maintain their optimal fitness during pregnancy and safely return to running after giving birth. Prior to that, she worked at Finish Line Physical Therapy in New York City.

Dr. Aguillard earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy from Columbia University after graduating from Tulane University, where she competed for the women's NCAA Division I track and field and cross country programs. She completed her fellowship in applied functional science through the Gray Institute and has taken numerous courses through the Postural Restoration Institute.

Jonathan Cane, better known as Coach Cane, has been coaching endurance athletes for over 30 years. He holds a master's degree in exercise physiology from Adelphi University and has coached for Nike, JackRabbit, and Under Armour. Cane is the coauthor of Triathlon Anatomy as well as The Complete Idiot's Guide to Weight Training, and he has written for Triathlete magazine, MetroSports Magazine, New York Runner, and more. He has been a featured speaker for Nike, New York Road Runner's, Chelsea Piers Triathlon Club, Hospital for Special Surgery, and others.


Learn more in Run Healthy

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