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Importance of Periodization with G. Gregory Haff, PhD

December 20, 2024

The concept of periodization is not new. Precursors of periodized training date back more than 2,000 years ago. G. Gregory Haff is a world-leading expert on periodization, and has spent his career studying, researching, writing about, and teaching the importance of periodization. He compiled much of his life's work into the first resource of its kind, Scientific Foundations and Practical Applications of Periodization. In this episode, he discusses the history of periodization, why it is important, and misconceptions about it.

Scientific Foundations and Practical Applications of Periodization

G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS, *D, FNSCA

Gregory Haff is a professor of strength and conditioning and the course coordinator for the postgraduate degree in strength and conditioning at Edith Cowan University in Joondalup, Australia. He has published more than 240 articles, centering his research on performance effects in the areas of strength-training methodologies, performance testing, training theory, and nutritional supplementation.

Haff is a past president of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and a senior associate editor for the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. He was the United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year for Education and Research and the 2011 NSCA William J. Kraemer Outstanding Sport Scientist Award winner. he is a certified strength and conditioning specialist with distinction (CSCS,*D), a UKSCA-accredited strength and conditioning coach (ASCC), and an accredited Australian Strength and Conditioning Association level 2 strength and conditioning coach.

Additionally, Haff is a national-level weightlifting coach in the United States and Australia. He serves as a consultant for numerous sporting bodies, including teams in the Australian Football League, Australian Rugby Union, Australian Basketball Association, and National Football League.

Instagram: @doc_haff

Human Kinetics