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Volleyball Coaching Bible PDF, The

$28.95 USD

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ISBN: 9781492574569


Page Count: 384

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Now, for the first time in the sport of volleyball, you can learn from the most successful U.S. coaches and apply their approaches to your own program. In The Volleyball Coaching Bible, 24 of the top U.S. men’s and women’s volleyball coaches share their principles, insights, strategies, methods, and experiences to help you learn new and better ways to coach the game and develop your players. From Mike Hebert’s chapter on setting goals to Russ Rose’s chapter on productive practices and Mary Wise’s chapter on serving, this book provides the full-court coverage you’ve been looking for. The vast amounts of new information– spanning more than three decades–are divided into five sections, making it easy to choose what to implement in your program: •“Coaching Principles and Priorities” by Mark Pavlik, Mike Hebert, and Jona Braden •“Program Building and Management” by Doug Beal, Terry Pettit, John Dunning, Dave Shondell, and Tom Pingel •“Innovative and Effective Practice Sessions” by Russ Rose, Mary Jo Peppler, Bill Neville, and John Cook •“Individual Skills and Team Tactics” by Mary Wise, Steve Shondell, Teri Clemens, Paula Weishoff, Jim Stone, Rudy Suwara, Fred Sturm, Peter Hanson, and Taras Liskevych •“Game-Winning and Tournament-Winning Strategies” by Pete Waite, Jim Coleman, and Al Scates Each time you open this book you’ll learn something new from some of the most respected names in the game. Whether you need guidance on conditioning, coaching, scouting, or scoring, The Volleyball Coaching Bible provides you with the game plan for building a winning program. ContentsIntroduction Opportunities and Challenges in Volleyball Coaching Don Shondell Part I Coaching Principles and Priorities Chapter 1 Living Up to the Responsibilities of a Model Coach Mark Pavlik Chapter 2 Establishing Principles and Setting Goals Mike Hebert Chapter 3 Finding Direction and Inspiration Amid Ups and Downs Jona Braden Part II Program Building and Management Chapter 4 Seeking Excellence in a Program—Going for the Gold Doug Beal Chapter 5 Marketing and Promoting Your Program Terry Pettit Chapter 6 Developing a Successful College Program John Dunning Chapter 7 Developing a Successful High School Program Dave Shondell Chapter 8 Developing a Successful Junior Club Program Tom Pingel Part III Innovative and Effective Practice Sessions Chapter 9 Planning Creative and Productive Practices Russ Rose Chapter 10 Using New and Proven Teaching Techniques Mary Jo Peppler Chapter 11 Making Drills More Beneficial Bill Neville Chapter 12 Conditioning for High Performance John Cook Part IV Individual Skills and Team Tactics Chapter 13 Serving Mary Wise Chapter 14 Receiving Serves Steve Shondell Chapter 15 Setting Teri Clemens Chapter 16 Attacking Paula Weishoff Chapter 17 Digging and Ball Control Jim Stone Chapter 18 Blocking Rudy Suwara Chapter 19 Components of a Successful Offense Fred Sturm Chapter 20 Devising a Talent-Based Offense Peter Hanson Chapter 21 Dominating Defensive Systems Taras Liskevych Part V Game-Winning and Tournament-Winning Strategies Chapter 22 Giving Players and Teams the Competitive Edge Pete Waite Chapter 23 Scouting Opponents and Evaluating Team Performance Jim Coleman Chapter 24 Handling Game Situations Al Scates

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