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Triathlon Anatomy 2nd Edition epub

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ISBN: 9781492588825


Page Count: 224

Access Duration: 10 Years

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See what it takes to maximize multisport strength, power, speed, and endurance.

Let Triathlon Anatomy, Second Edition, prepare you for the starting line and show you how to reach your personal best by increasing muscular strength and optimizing the efficiency of every movement.

Triathlon Anatomy features 74 of the most effective multisport exercises with step-by-step descriptions and full-color anatomical illustrations highlighting the muscles in action. But you’ll see much more than the exercises—you’ll also see the results.

For each exercise, a Triathlon Focus feature illustrates how the movement is fundamentally linked to performance in each sport. You’ll see how to strengthen muscles and increase stamina for cycling steep inclines, running across various terrains, and swimming in open water.

You’ll learn how to modify exercises to target specific areas, reduce muscle tension, and minimize common injuries. Best of all, you’ll learn how to put it all together to develop a training program based on your individual needs and goals.

Whether you’re training for your first triathlon or preparing for your next Ironman, Triathlon Anatomy will ensure you’re ready to deliver your personal best.


Triathletes, personal trainers, and coaches who train triathletes.
Chapter 1. The Triathlete in Motion
Chapter 2. Principles of Endurance Training
Chapter 3. Creating a Customized Training Plan
Chapter 4. Arms
Chapter 5. Shoulders
Chapter 6. Chest
Chapter 7. Core
Chapter 8. Back and Neck
Chapter 9. Legs
Chapter 10. Whole-Body Training
Chapter 11. Injury Prevention
Mark Klion, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with specialty training in sports medicine. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from St. Lawrence University, he went on to obtain his medical degree from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He completed his residency in orthopedic surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital. He then completed a fellowship in sports medicine at the University of Chicago, where he gained specialization in arthroscopic surgery and reconstructive knee and shoulder surgery.

Klion is a clinical instructor at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and is an active member of the shoulder and sports medicine service. He serves as an educator for the medical school and the department of orthopedic surgery. He is also the director of orthopedics at St. Barnabas Hospital in New York, a level II trauma center.

Klion has participated in 11 Ironman triathlons, including Hawaii Ironman 2000 and 2001. He has completed 15 marathons in addition to many ultradistance running and biking races. He serves as the medical director for the New York City Triathlon. He has published numerous articles on sports medicine issues and has appeared on both regional and national radio and television programs. He is active in the triathlon and endurance community, providing lectures about sports-medicine-related issues to local clubs and groups.

Jonathan Cane, better known as Coach Cane, has been coaching endurance athletes for over 30 years. He is the cofounder and head coach of City Coach, a running and triathlon coaching company, where he coaches athletes ranging from beginners to world champions and world record holders. He holds a master’s degree in exercise physiology from Adelphi University. In addition to his work with City Coach, he has coached for Nike, JackRabbit, and Under Armour.

Cane is the coauthor of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Weight Training and has written for MetroSports Magazine, NY Runner, and Triathlete Magazine. He has been a featured speaker for Nike, New York Road Runners, Chelsea Piers Triathlon Club, Hospital for Special Surgery, and more.

Cane is a former Cat. 3 cyclist and on rare occasions can still be seen competing in multisport events. He lives in Bronx, New York, with his wife, triathlete Nicole Sin Quee (aka Mrs. Coach Cane); their son, Simon; and their pit bull, Lola.

For more information, visit Coach Cane’s website and follow him on Instagram (@coachcane) and Twitter (@realcoachcane).
“Having combined experience of more than 50 years of training and treating endurance athletes of every level, Dr. Mark Klion and Jonathan Cane know exactly what it takes to achieve optimal performance. Triathlon Anatomy is an easy-to-understand guide to personalized performance and injury prevention. Whatever your definition of success for triathlon, Triathlon Anatomy will help you achieve it.”
—Victoria Brumfield, Chief of Staff for USA Triathlon

“Mark Klion has been helping triathletes optimize their performance and stay injury-free for decades. I’ve raced side by side with Dr. Klion at the Ironman in Kona, Hawaii. I’ve also visited his Manhattan office for treatments and advice that kept me at the top of my game. Since the 1980s, Jonathan Cane has helped me and countless other endurance athletes go farther and faster than we ever could have without his training programs. Coach Cane is a legend in the New York City multisport community. I’m thrilled that Triathlon Anatomy brings Klion and Cane together and makes their expertise available to multisport athletes everywhere.”
—Christopher Bergland, World-Class Endurance Athlete Who Broke a Guinness World Record for Treadmill Running (153.76 miles in 24 hours)

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Triathlon Training

I have used a different book in this series to plan off an season exercise program for cycling. Transitioning to triathlon, this book greatly aided my development of both off season training as well as in season exercises to target my weak areas. Each major muscle group is explained to include what tri activities utilizes those muscles.
I highly recommend this book.