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Softball Drill Book PDF, The

Author: Kirk Walker

$27.95 USD

$27.95 USD
$27.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492578659


Page Count: 280

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Packed with 175 drills straight from the practice sessions of the game's most successful programs, The Softball Drill Book will add variety to your practices and precision to your game-day performances.

The comprehensive collection covers every aspect of the game. From warm-up to conditioning, throwing to hitting, bunting to base-running, you'll find drills to improve position skill and team execution—all from college coaches and programs that have won 13 NCAA Women's College World Series titles and dozens of NCAA regional tournament titles.

Contributors include:

  • Louie Berndt, Florida State
  • Carol Bruggeman, Louisville
  • Yvette Girouard, Louisiana State
  • Michelle Gromacki, Cal State Fullerton
  • Deanna Gumpf, Notre Dame
  • Carol Hutchins, Michigan
  • Kelly Inouye-Perez, UCLA
  • Jay Miller, Mississippi State
  • Jennifer Ogee, Nebraska
  • Kim Sowder, Long Beach State
  • Heather Tarr, Washington
  • Michelle Venturella, Iowa
  • Kirk Walker, Oregon State
  • Margie Wright, Fresno State

One look at the names above and it is clear, The Softball Drill Book is your blueprint for championship practices.

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