Softball Coaching Bible Volume II PDF, The
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For more than a decade, coaches have relied on one classic resource for their every coaching need. Featuring the advice, wisdom, and insights from the sport’s legendary coaches, The Softball Coaching Bible, Volume I, has become the essential guide for coaches at every level worldwide.
The Softball Coaching Bible, Volume II, picks up where the first volume left off, providing more instruction, guidance, recommendations, and expertise for every aspect of the sport.
The NFCA has put together another stellar lineup of coaches who share the guidance that helped them establish such well-respected softball programs:
Patty Gasso
Jeanne Tostenson-Scarpello
Chris Bellotto
George Wares
Kris Herman
Bob Ligouri
Karen Weekly
Elaine Sortino
Frank Griffin
Bonnie Tholl
Michelle Venturella
Beth Torina
Jenny Allard
Ehren Earleywine
Erica Beach
Stacey Nuveman
John Tschida
Teena Murray
Donna Papa
Carol Bruggeman
Kyla Holas
Kelly Inouye-Perez
Sandy Montgomery
Rachel Lawson
Kristi Bredbenner
Deanna Gumpf
It’s all here—developing players, building a winning program, assessing and refining essential skills and techniques, and incorporating the most effective strategies for any opponent or in-game situation.
If you coach the sport and want a competitive edge in today’s game, The Softball Coaches Bible, Volume II, is the must-have resource for every season.
Part I Coaching Priorities and Principles
Chapter 1 Sharing the Passion
Chapter 2 Defining Expectations
Chapter 3 Establishing a Winning Attitude
Chapter 4 Playing Hard and Respecting the Game
Chapter 5 Leading by Example
Part II Program Building and Management
Chapter 6 Building a Successful High School Program
Chapter 7 Building a Successful College Program
Chapter 8 Selecting and Mentoring Your Staff
Chapter 9 Promoting Your Program
Chapter 10 Recruiting the Right Way
Part III Effective Practice Sessions
Chapter 11 Structuring Indoor and Outdoor Practices
Chapter 12 Minimizing Monotony
Part IV Player Skills and Team Strategies
Chapter 13 Batting Practice for Power and Consistency
Chapter 14 Firming Up Offensive Fundamentals
Chapter 15 Developing Your Pitching Staff
Chapter 16 Developing Your Receiver
Chapter 17 Fielding Practice for Errorless Play
Chapter 18 Strength Training, Conditioning, and Agility
Part V Player Motivation and Leadership
Chapter 19 Establishing a Positive Player/Coach Relationship
Chapter 20 Understanding Today’s Athlete
Chapter 21 Assessing Your Teams’ Mental Makeup
Chapter 22 Building Team Chemistry
Chapter 23 Developing Student-Athletes Off the Field
Part VI Coaching Challenges, Pressures, and Opportunities
Chapter 24 Handling Each Seasons’ Highs and Lows
Chapter 25 Continuing to Learn, Continuing to Develop
Chapter 26 Coaching, Family, and Personal Priorities
“The Softball Coaching Bible is the most comprehensive resource offered to coaches in my three decades of coaching fastpitch softball. This book provides insight from some of the best coaches in the game to help you develop your players and take your program to the next level.”
Mike Candrea-- Head Softball Coach University of Arizona