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Soft Tissue Release, 4th Edition

A Practical Handbook for Physical Therapists

Author: Mary Sanderson

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718245532


Page Count: 128

Whether for sports competition, work, or maintenance of posture, everyone needs muscles that are not only strong but also supple and in balance. Regular manipulation of the soft tissues has an essential role to play, and soft tissue release (STR) will transform any treatment, allowing specific problems to be rapidly and effectively addressed. In full color with helpful photos and illustrations, Soft Tissue Release: A Practical Handbook for Physical Therapists, Fourth Edition, demonstrates all the benefits of including soft tissue release in your practice.

The text covers the theory behind soft tissue dysfunction and assessment as well as soft tissue release techniques for treating clients. Techniques to address issues in the lower limbs, trunk and neck, and upper limbs are explored in detail. The text considers how treatment can be applied before and after an athletic event and how clients can apply self-treatment. Special consideration is given to young athletes, older clients, and pregnant and postpartum clients.


Physical therapists, athletic trainers, and professionals working with people with soft tissue dysfunction.
Part I. Theory
Chapter 1. Introduction to Soft Tissue Release
Chapter 2. STR – The Technique

Part II. Practice
Chapter 3. Lower Limb
Chapter 4. Trunk and Neck
Chapter 5. Upper Limb
Chapter 6. Applications of STR
Mary Sanderson is a specialist in soft tissue therapy and has been a senior instructor for the London School of Sports Massage (LSSM) since 1994. She has run her own private practice in St Leonards on Sea (United Kingdom) for over 25 years, treating a wide range of clients, including elite athletes, musicians, and performers. Mary also regularly presents on CPD programs for manual therapists, personal trainers and coaches.

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