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Smarter Workouts Online CE Exam With Ebook

Author: Human Kinetics

$62.00 USD

Online Exam With Ebook
$62.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718223042


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Smarter Workouts ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
Smarter Workouts: The Science of Exercise Made Simple gives you efficient and effective workout programs that use only one piece of equipment. Help your clients work out in a shorter period of time without expensive equipment or gym memberships—all while targeting their personal goals.

Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult to figure out. In Smarter Workouts, fitness expert Pete McCall explains the effects of exercise on the body so you can identify what will work best for your clients. You’ll get access to workouts designed to work smarter while delivering maximum results. You and your clients can pick one target: improving mobility, strengthening the core, or amping up metabolism with sweat-inducing conditioning work. Then select from among the equipment options: bodyweight, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, stability balls, sandbags, or resistance bands. The variety of exercises and organized plans in this book will save valuable programming time for you, and precious workout time for your clients, while producing real results.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Explain the benefits of mobility training.
  • Create workouts by organizing the variables of exercise program design to improve mobility, core strength, and metabolic conditioning.
  • Identify different pieces of exercise equipment that can be used to design effective and efficient workouts.
  • List the foundational patterns of human movement.
  • Explain the difference between the contractile element and the elastic component of muscle.
  • Describe how fascial structures function as integrated systems to organize and control movement.
  • Demonstrate exercises that can be used to improve stability, mobility, dynamic balance, coordination, and strength.
  • Identify the anatomical components of the core region of the human body.
  • Describe the differences between linear and undulating periodization.
  • Identify effective strategies for recovering from a challenging workout.
  • Demonstrate effective strategies for exercising specific muscles.


Strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, athletic trainers, and other certified fitness professionals.
Part I. The Science and Why It Matters
Chapter 1. How Exercise Changes Your Body
Chapter 2. Movement and Intensity in Practice

Part II. Exercises and Workouts
Chapter 3. Mobility Training
Chapter 4. Core Strengthening
Chapter 5. Metabolic Conditioning

Part III. Get Fit and Stay Fit
Chapter 6. Designing Your Exercise Program
Chapter 7. Lifetime Programming
Pete McCall is the owner and president of PMc Fitness Solutions. He is certified as a personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and also holds a CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

For more than 15 years, McCall has been teaching and writing workshops and courses designed to meet continuing education requirements for certified fitness professionals. He has presented at conferences around the world and is one of only a handful of fitness professionals who have assisted in writing personal training textbooks for both NASM and ACE. He also contributed to the development of ACE’s Integrated Fitness Training Model of exercise program design.

Throughout his career, McCall has worked with leading brands and established companies in the fitness industry, including Reebok and 24 Hour Fitness, where he is also a regular contributor to their online magazine, and Core Health & Fitness (the parent company of Nautilus, StairMaster, Star Trac, and Schwinn Indoor Cycling), where he is a master trainer and education content creator. He is a spokesperson for ACE and has been featured as a fitness expert in national publications such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Men’s Health, Shape, and Self.

McCall earned his master’s degree in exercise science and health promotion from the California University of Pennsylvania.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Christine Hendren
Fast, efficient.

I applied to receive the exam and got the email and practice test within a minute. The practice test allowed me to prepare for the final exam and pass it on the first attempt. Thank you.

Gerald Schwille
Smarter Workouts

Great information, very helpful

Deborah Smith
The Smarter Workouts book is a great addition for a personal trainer's library.

I enjoyed reading this book and was looking forward to receiving the CEC's for my certification. The book is well written and prepared me for this exam. (I could not have successfully taken the exam without the book.) I definitely wanted to see if what I learned, that I could earn those CECs. And yes, all worth it!