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Recreation and Leisure Operations: CSCC

$57.20 USD

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ISBN: 9781718212275

Page Count: 307

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook includes chapters from Recreational Sport and Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses. It has been specifically designed for students taking the courses Recreation & Leisure Operations (SES 1102) and Sport Tourism (SES 2700) at Columbus State Community College.


Custom ebook for students taking the courses Recreation & Leisure Operations (SES 1102) and Sport Tourism (SES 2700) at Columbus State Community College.
Introduction to Recreational Sport
From Recreational Sport

Physical Activity and Recreational Sport
From Recreational Sport

Diversity and Development in Recreational Sport
From Recreational Sport

Recreational Sport Program Planning
From Recreational Sport

Your Commercial Recreation, Event, and Tourism Business Adventure
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Entrepreneurship and the Business Planning Process
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Business Concept: Products and Services
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Retail, Other Profit Centers, and Facilities
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Preparing for a Career in Commercial Recreation, Events, and Tourism
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Facility Planning and Design
From Recreational Sport

Human Resources in Recreational Sport
From Recreational Sport

Management, Leadership, and Team Building
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Ethics, Environmental Management, and Sustainability
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Protecting Your Assets: Liability and Risk Management
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Financial Planning and Analysis
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses

Completing and Implementing the Business Plan
From Recreation, Event, and Tourism Businesses
Robert Barcelona, PhD, is an associate professor in the University of New Hampshire’s department of recreation management and policy. He teaches courses in recreational sport management, youth development, and organizational administration and leadership for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Since 1999 Barcelona has worked with numerous recreation and sport organizations in both programming and research efforts. His teaching interests focus on recreational sport management and youth development leadership in school and community-based settings. Barcelona’s research examines recreation and sport as developmental contexts for youth and focuses on the ways that recreation and sport organizations build healthy and sustainable programs and communities. His research has been published in numerous national and international publications, and he has authored several book chapters on recreation and sport management. He is one of the authors for Leisure Services Management.

Barcelona has won teaching excellence awards at both Indiana University and the University of New Hampshire. He is active with youth sport coach training through his involvement with CoachSmartNH, and he is engaged in recreation planning, consulting, and program evaluation projects with community recreation and youth development organizations throughout the United States.

Mary Sara Wells, PhD, is an associate professor in the University of Utah’s department of parks, recreation, and tourism. She teaches courses in youth development, community recreation, and sport management.

Since 2004 Wells has researched sportsmanship issues in youth sport. She has published her research in numerous journals, presented at several national and international conferences, and conducted trainings and evaluations for multiple municipal youth sport agencies across the country.

Skye Arthur-Banning, PhD, is an associate professor at Clemson University in the department of parks, recreation and tourism management. He teaches graduate and undergraduate classes in sport management and sport for development as well as in the core curriculum, and he advises graduate students in amateur sport for community and youth development.

Arthur-Banning’s research focus is in amateur sport and specifically on sport for development, ethical behavior in sport, and sportsmanship as it relates to coaches, players, parents, and referees. He has published in numerous journals and has done work with or presented for various organizations, including the Canadian Coaches Association, United States Soccer Federation, United States Navy Child and Youth Program, and various city, county, and state or provincial recreation agencies across North America and East Africa.

Arthur-Banning has been certified by the NCAA and US Soccer Federation as a national referee emeritus, national assessor, and national instructor. He draws on those amateur and semiprofessional sport experiences. Finally, he has worked with several international sport organizations to organize programs, make connections, and take students on various study-abroad trips using sport as a tool for youth and community development.

Robert E. Pfister, PhD, is a professor in the department of recreation and tourism management at Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. For over 20 years, Pfister has instructed courses in entrepreneurial recreation and tourism to university students in the United States and Canada.

In 1979, Pfister created and managed a consulting business dedicated to recreation services and tourism, which served public agencies and private companies in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia for 25 years.

Pfister is a member of the Association of American Geographers and served as chairperson of the Recreation, Tourism, and Sports specialty group from 2005 until 2007. He is a member of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators and the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. He serves on the editorial board of Tourism Geographies and is a member of the board of directors for Tourism Vancouver Island, a regional tourism destination marketing organization.

In his free time, Pfister enjoys whitewater rafting, kayaking, recreational boating, mountaineering, and alpine photography.

Patrick T. Tierney, PhD, is a professor in the department of recreation, parks, and tourism at San Francisco State University. As a business owner, instructor, and researcher, Tierney has more than 30 years of experience in theories and applications of the recreation, event, and tourism industry.

For 25 years, Tierney was co-owner and operator of Adrift Adventures, Inc., a successful adventure recreation business nominated for the Conde Nast International Ecotourism Award. Tierney is past chairperson of the Colorado River Outfitters Association and a member of the board of directors of the California Tourism Industry Association. He is a licensed whitewater guide instructor and former U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service ranger.

In 1997, Tierney was co-recipient of the Best Tourism Research Award from the California Division of Tourism. He was also the recipient of the 1991 Excellence in Research Award from the Resort and Commercial Recreation Association.

Tierney resides in Half Moon Bay, California, and enjoys ocean and river kayaking, Telemark skiing, and mountain biking.

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