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Pocket Atlas of Special Tests for the Upper Limb, The

Author: Jane C. Johnson

$19.95 USD

$19.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718243095


Page Count: 136

An easy-to-use guide for the assessment of musculoskeletal problems in upper limbs.

With over 300 illustrations, there is no resource quite like The Pocket Atlas of Special Tests for the Upper Limb. This clear and easy-to-use guide will help you understand the purpose, procedures, and additional considerations for 83 upper limb tests. These tests can help you identify whether the musculoskeletal problem lies with a joint, a ligament, a muscle, a tendon, or another structure.

The guide is presented in three parts, covering the shoulder (part I), elbow (part II), and wrist and hand (part III). Finding what you need is easy with the alphabetical listing of the tests, which includes the reason for choosing each one.

The Pocket Atlas of Special Tests for the Upper Limb offers manual therapists and students a quick reference for special tests that are useful when assessing musculoskeletal issues.


Physical therapists and physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, sports therapists, and manual therapists, as well as students in these fields.
Part I. The Shoulder
Chapter 1. Acromioclavicular Joint
Grades of AC Joint Ligament Injury
AC Joint Mobility Test
AC Shear Test
Paxino’s Test
Scarf (Cross Body Adduction Stress) Test
O’Brien’s (Active Compression) Test
Resisted AC Joint Extension Test
Painful Arc Test

Chapter 2. Scapulothoracic Joint
Apley’s Scratch Test
Lateral Scapular Slide Test
Scapular Assistance Test

Chapter 3. Supraspinatus
Painful Arc Test
Hawkins-Kennedy Test
Champagne Toast Test
Jobe’s (Empty Can) Test
Full Can Test
Yocum’s Test
Drop Arm (Codman’s) Test
Neer’s Impingement Sign

Chapter 4. Subscapularis
Gerber’s Lift Off Test
Internal Rotation Lag Sign
Belly Press Test
Napoleon Sign
Belly Off Sign
Bear Hug Test

Chapter 5. Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
External Rotation Lag Sign
Hertel’s Drop Sign
Walch’s Hornblower Sign
Patte’s Test
Internal Rotation Resistance Strength Test

Chapter 6. Labrum of the Glenohumeral Joint
Habermeyer’s Supine Flexion Resistance Test
Crank (Compression Rotation) Test
Clunk Test
Kim’s Test
Biceps Load Test 1
Biceps Load Test 2
Yergason’s Test
Speed’s Test
Ludington’s Test

Chapter 7. Shoulder Instability
Neer’s Test (Sulcus Sign)
Rowe’s Test
Gagey Hyperabduction Test
Dugas Test
Load and Shift Test
Anterior Instability Apprehension Test
Anterior Drawer Test
Fulcrum Test
Posterior Apprehension Test
Posterior Drawer Test
Jerk Test

Part II. The Elbow
Chapter 8. Medial and Lateral Epicondylalgia
Golfer’s Elbow Provocation Test
Golfer’s Elbow Test
Cozen’s Test
Mill’s Test
Maudsley’s Test
Polk’s Test

Chapter 9. Stability Tests
Valgus Stress Test
Varus Stress Test
Moving Valgus Stress Test
Posterolateral Rotatory-Instability Test
Chair Push-Up Test

Chapter 10. Nerve Compression Tests
Ulnar Nerve Flexion Test
Pressure Provocation Test
Tinel’s Test or Hoffman-Tinel Sign
Supinator Compression Test

Chapter 11. Soft Tissue Tests
Elbow Plica Entrapment (Flexion-Pronation) Test
Elbow Plica Entrapment (Extension-Supination) Test
Elbow Hook Test

Part III. The Wrist and Hand 
Chapter 12. Wrist Ligament Tests
Radial Collateral Ligament Stress Test
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Stress Test
Piano Key Test
Watson (Scaphoid Shift) Test
Lunotriquetral Shear Test
Lunotriquetral Shear Test (Kleinman)
Lunotriquetral Shear Test (Raegan)
Lunotriquetral Shear Test (Linscheid)
Dorsal Capitate Displacement Apprehension Test
Supination Lift Test

Chapter 13. Carpal Tunnel Tests
Tinel’s Sign Test
Phalen’s Test
Carpal Compression Test

Chapter 14. Thumb Tests
Thumb Grind (Axial Compression) Test
Finkelstein Test
Joint Play Movement Test for the Fingers

Jane Johnson, PhD, MSc, BSc(Hons), BA(Hons), is a physiotherapist specializing in musculoskeletal health; in this role, she uses many different assessment techniques. Johnson is passionate about supporting students and helping newly qualified therapists gain confidence in their use of assessment and treatment techniques. Her aim is to share the knowledge she has gained in over 20 years of clinical practice, which she does using simple explanations.

Johnson is the author of six titles in the Hands-On Guides for Therapists series: Postural Assessment, Postural Correction, Therapeutic Stretching, Deep Tissue Massage, Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release, and Soft Tissue Therapy for the Lower Limb. These titles have been translated into multiple languages, including Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Korean, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, and Portuguese.

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