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Outdoor Site and Facility Management

Tools for Creating Memorable Places

Author: Wynne Whyman

$49.00 USD

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Paperback With CD-ROM
$49.00 USD

ISBN: 9780736068451


Page Count: 232

Your site and facilities, whether a beautiful building, a welcoming camp setting, or a natural wilderness area, are a large part of what draws participants to your property. They are also your largest financial investment, so proper management of them is crucial. Outdoor Site and Facility Management: Tools for Creating Memorable Places is a comprehensive resource for staff, board members, management, and owners charged with the complex and challenging task of managing and maintaining properties. The book offers a step-by-step property management plan that will help you to provide the safe environment and positive atmosphere so important to creating memorable experiences for your participants.

Rather than focus on the technical skills of facility maintenance or site development, this book offers a broad perspective of property management. It introduces an integrated systems approach to the management of a variety of organizations, such as overnight and day camps, conference centers, outdoor learning centers, government parks, dude and guest ranches, commercial camp grounds, schools, not-for-profit organizations, and religious organizations. You'll have creative strategies to manage day-to-day operations, such as these:

-Planning and forecasting

-Board and administrator responsibilities

-Working with volunteers

-Natural resource management

-Hiring staff

-Budgeting and financial oversight

-Time management

-Record keeping

-Risk management
You'll also find practical advice to help you make sound decisions and form solutions that are tailored to your unique property.

The book spends a chapter on each of the key components of property management and includes 48 practical tools, such as forms and checklists; practical techniques and examples; sample job descriptions; a glossary; and a list of the indicators of successful management discussed in the chapter.

The bound-in CD-ROM contains the following features:

-65 editable forms and checklists, including maintenance schedules, staffing needs charts, inspection forms, financial plans, feedback forms, and strategic planning

-A list of editable job descriptions that you can use for defining job responsibilities and establishing the hiring process

-A comprehensive list of resources, including Web sites, articles, and books, so you can easily find specialized information and local resources

With Outdoor Site and Facility Management: Tools for Creating Memorable Places, you'll gain a complete picture of your property's physical, ecological, financial, and personnel assets. Most important, you'll discover the best way to manage your property and ultimately increase the equity of your assets and the marketability and long-term viability of your operation.


Professional resource for administrators, board members, property directors, and staff who work at outdoor properties, nonprofit organizations, religious organizations, and educational organizations; text for workshops, trainings, and management courses; supplementary text for undergraduate and graduate courses in recreation and leisure facilities management.

Chapter 1. Place: Integrating Program and Property

-Conceptual Framework: ITS

-Integrating Property and Program

-Setting Priorities for Property and Program

-A Sustainable Organization

-Putting It All Together

Chapter 2. Participants: A Welcoming Invitation

-Mission and Participants' Needs

-Opportunities to Educate

-Positive Attitudes Toward Site and Facilities

-Creating Your Memorable Place

Chapter 3. People: Your Greatest Asset

-Working Together—Creating Memories

-A Pivotal Role: The Administrator

-Staffing for Success

-A Treasured Resource: Volunteers

-Volunteer Boards

-Your People = Your Success

Chapter 4. Land: Surveying Your Options

-Nature of Property Ownership

-Rights to Water and Mineral Resources

-Conservation Easements

-Mapping Your Site

-Future Options

Chapter 5. Grounds: Creating Your Setting

-Crafting Your Overall Grounds Philosophy

-Wayfinding: Beyond Signage and Maps

-Art of Lawns and Landscaping

-Transportation Infrastructure: A Means to Move People

-Fences: Defining Areas of Use

-Walk-Throughs and Inspections: Taking a Fresh Perspective

-The Network of Your Utilities

-Scheduling Site Maintenance

-Impressions That Last

Chapter 6. Natural Resources: Inspiration, Education, and Stewardship

-Starting With an Ecological Management Framework

-Crafting Your Natural Resources Management Philosophy

-Taking a Natural Resources Inventory

-Implementing Natural Resources Projects

-Beyond Nature Identification

-Your Memorable Place

Chapter 7. Facilities: Your Visible Identity

-Atmosphere: Reinforcing Your Mission and Values

-Sustainable Practices for Facilities

-Safety Measures

-Cleaning and Janitorial

-Managing Facility Maintenance

-Working With Contractors

-Facilities: Your Valuable Assets

Chapter 8. Time: Making the Most of It

-Learning to Be Proactive

-Changing How You Spend Your Time

-Saving Time by Planning Ahead

-Capitalizing on Each Person's Unique Skills

-Making Planning a Priority for All

-Status and Priorities of Long-Term Planning

-Cycles of Your Operation

-Time to Create Your Memorable Place

Chapter 9. Finances: Constructing Your Future

-Four Perspectives

-Crafting a Budget

-Preparing for the Future

-Financing Your Mission

Chapter 10. Records: At Your Fingertips

-Whose Job Is It?

-Keep or Purge?

-Organizing Information So You Can Find It

-Preserving Your Records

-Cataloging What You Have

-Creating Backup Records

-Managing Your Archives

-Developing Integrated Procedures

-Electronic Record Keeping

-Getting Professional Assistance

-Finding What You Need

Chapter 11. Risk: Managing to Be Prepared

-Site and Facility Risk

-What Is Risk Management?

-Safety First

Wynne Whyman, MA, MSS, is currently president of Callippe Solutions LLC and a design faculty member at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in Colorado. She has extensive experience working with camps and managing property. She earned a Master of Special Studies degree in computer education and applied communication from Denver University and a master of arts degree in information and learning technologies from the University of Colorado at Denver.

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