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Outdoor Leadership 3rd Edition With HKPropel Access

Theory and Practice

$99.00 USD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$99.00 USD
Ebook With Online Resource
$75.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718214293


Page Count: 408

Outdoor Leadership, Third Edition With HKPropel Access, introduces students to a wide variety of theories and concepts that are integral to the understanding of outdoor leadership, and it demonstrates how these concepts come to life in the field. Written by a team of internationally recognized authors, the text introduces eight core competencies that are essential to outdoor leadership:
  1. Foundational knowledge
  2. Self-awareness and professional conduct
  3. Decision making and judgment
  4. Teaching and facilitation
  5. Environmental stewardship
  6. Program management
  7. Safety and risk management
  8. Technical ability

The third edition of Outdoor Leadership effectively positions students to develop the knowledge and expertise required to excel as outdoor leaders. Along with updated references, learning activities, and chapter-opening vignettes, the third edition offers the following new features:
  • New content on intersectionality and the importance of universal design
  • A look at the contribution of outdoor recreation to the economy
  • An examination of transformative learning and updated material on interpretive programming
  • Expanded content on the importance of protecting ecological resources

The text begins with the foundations of outdoor leadership, the historical and philosophical foundations of the profession, and the nature of outdoor leadership as a professional practice. Historical and contemporary theories of leadership and the practical application of these theories are examined, facilitating a discussion of the roles that decision making and judgment play in real life. The text then explores the role of teaching and facilitation in outdoor leadership. Topics such as natural resource management, environmental sustainability, and program management—including program administration, safety and risk management, expedition planning, and program evaluation—are addressed.

Each chapter opens with a vignette that illustrates the practical application of outdoor leadership concepts so that students recognize the importance of the material. Throughout the text, students are introduced to various types of organizations and agencies in which outdoor leaders work. Learning activities and professional development exercises within the text encourage readers to engage in a process of self-reflection and to draw connections between theory and practice. Glossary flashcards and relevant forms are available via HKPropel. As students progress through the text, they will create a professional portfolio that demonstrates their competency and showcases their talents.

Outdoor Leadership, Third Edition With HKPropel Access, is the definitive text for developing student leadership in outdoor and adventure settings. This useful resource will help aspiring outdoor leaders plan safe, enjoyable, and ecologically responsible expeditions; acquire and showcase their leadership abilities; and develop knowledge and expertise.

Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all print books.


Audiences: Text for undergraduate courses in outdoor programs and leadership. Reference for outdoor educators at high schools and professional agencies.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mostly good info, needs update

Please, please update the section on Scouting. It's really hard to take the whole book at face value when one section is so blatantly wrong.