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Outdoor Education and Leadership-UFV

$24.00 USD

$24.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718245792


Page Count: 121

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook includes chapters from Outdoor Leadership, Third Edition. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Outdoor Education and Leadership (KIN 323) at University of the Fraser Valley.


Custom ebook for students taking the course Outdoor Education and Leadership (KIN 323) at University of the Fraser Valley.
Introduction: A Competency-Based Approach to Outdoor Leadership
Leadership in Practice
Decision Making and Judgment
Understanding Facilitation
Teaching Strategies
Environmental Stewardship
Safety and Risk Management
Bruce Martin, PhD, is a professor and department chair in the department of recreation, sport pedagogy, and consumer sciences at Ohio University, where he teaches both theoretically oriented and practically based courses related to outdoor leadership, adventure programming, and experiential education. He has been in higher education since 1998 and has significant experience as an outdoor leader and instructor, working as a camp counselor, professional river guide, and Outward Bound instructor. He holds certifications through the American Canoe Association as a whitewater kayak instructor trainer and open-water coastal kayak instructor.

Martin has served in varying capacities for professional organizations such as the Association for Experiential Education, the Wilderness Education Association, the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, the American Canoe Association, and the Association for Outdoor Recreation and Education. He is the recipient of both the Ohio University Outstanding Advisor Award (2020) and the Patton College of Education Distinguished Faculty Research Award (2015). Martin is also author of numerous publications related to outdoor leadership and adventure programming.

Mary Breunig, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of recreation, park, and tourism administration at California State University in Sacramento. She previously served as an associate professor in the department of recreation and leisure studies and as graduate program director of the social justice and equity studies program at Brock University in Canada. She has been involved in outdoor and experiential education, with a focus on social and environmental justice, for more than 20 years. Breunig is a research consultant, a past president and current member of the Association for Experiential Education, a former Outward Bound instructor, and a National Outdoor Leadership School instructor. In 2019, Breunig was awarded the Kurt Hahn Address honor by the Association for Experiential Education. She is both an outdoor enthusiast and an urban flaneur.

Mark Wagstaff, EdD, is a professor emeritus of recreation, parks, and tourism at Radford University in Radford, Virginia. He taught outdoor leadership and adventure education in a university setting for more than 20 years and has led extended expeditions to develop outdoor leaders for more than 30 years. Wagstaff worked in the challenge course industry for many years and was an instructor for Outward Bound and the Wilderness Education Association as well as being certified as a Leave No Trace Master Educator. He has authored books, chapters, and journal articles on outdoor-related topics, and he is a cofounder of the Virginia Adventure Education Conference. He currently serves as the park interpreter at Occoneechee State Park in Clarksville, Virginia.

Marni Goldenberg, PhD, is a professor in the experience industry management department at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. She teaches courses in recreation, parks, and tourism administration with a focus on outdoor and adventure leadership. She has instructed courses for the Wilderness Education Association and North Carolina Outward Bound School and worked as a ropes course and team-building facilitator for more than 30 years. She holds the Leave No Trace Master Educator certification. Her research focuses on outcomes and benefits associated with participating in recreation and outdoor experiences. She has received several awards for her teaching, research, and service and has several publications and presentations on various outdoor and adventure topics.

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