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Outdoor Adventure Education

Foundations, Theory, and Research

$56.00 USD

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$56.00 USD

ISBN: 9781450442510


Page Count: 216

Outdoor Adventure Education: Foundations, Theory, and Research steeps students in the theories, concepts, and developments of outdoor adventure education, preparing them for careers in this burgeoning field.

This text is based on author Alan W. Ewert’s pioneering book Outdoor Adventure Pursuits: Foundations, Models, and Theories. Ewert and Sibthorp, both experienced practitioners, researchers, and educators, explore the outdoor adventure field today in relation to the changes that have occurred since Ewert’s first book. The authors present a comprehensive text on outdoor and adventure foundations, theories, and research that will provide the basis for the next generation of professionals.

Outdoor Adventure Education offers a comprehensive view of the expanding discipline of outdoor adventure education in its various settings. In addition to its foundational, theoretical, and conceptual insights, this text presents the following:

• Why This Chapter Is Important introductions that present snapshots of ideas and concepts and how they apply to future professionals

• Chapter discussion and research questions to expand knowledge and research skills to support the learning gained through the book

• Sidebars from well-known international researchers who present their views on the chapter topics

The book is presented in three parts. Part I explores foundational issues of outdoor adventure education, offering an overview of the field and examining both historical developments and current practices. Part II investigates theoretical constructs and extant theories, emphasizing how they inform the professional’s view of program evidence, design, and implementation. In part III, the authors delve into research and evidence-based practices in the field and look at evolving trends and issues as outdoor adventure education continues to grow.

Outdoor Adventure Education uses evidence, design, and implementation as its underlying themes. It shows students and professionals how to apply theories and research in constructing frameworks for outdoor adventure education experiences and how to evaluate those experiences. As such, it is an indispensable resource that prepares students and professionals alike for success in their careers in outdoor adventure education.


Text for upper-undergraduate and graduate programs in outdoor and adventure studies. Reference for outdoor and adventure education professionals and physical educators.

Part I Foundations

Chapter 1. Overview of Outdoor Adventure Education

Defining Adventure

Defining Outdoor Adventure Education

Types of Definitions

Evidence, Design, and Implementation


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 2. History of Outdoor Adventure Education

Early Explorers and Adventure Seekers

Exploration and the Quest for Adventure

Adventure in Transition

The Concepts of Leisure and Recreation

The Advent of Adventure Recreation

Formalized Schools of Adventure Education


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 3. Outdoor Adventure in Contemporary Practice

Programs and Practice

Components of the OAE Experience

Philosophical Basis

The Adventure Progression


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 4. Managing Motivation, Risk, Fear, and Stress

Motivations in OAE

Risk and Risk Taking

Fear in OAE


Issues for Further Discussion

Part II Theory

Chapter 5. Theoretical Constructs Used in Outdoor Adventure Education

Theory and Model Development

Dissecting the Concept of Theory

Models in Outdoor Adventure Education


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 6. Extant Theories and Key Constructs in Outdoor Adventure Education

Promising Explanatory Frameworks

Key Theories

Key Learning Constructs


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 7. Development Across the Life Span

Youth and Adolescents

Emerging Adults


Older Adults

Additional Views of Human Development


Issues for Further Discussion

Part III Research

Chapter 8. Evaluation Research

Common Purposes of Evaluation

Case Study: The WRMC Incident Reporting Database

Common Evaluation Techniques

Alternative Evaluations: Best Practices and Benchmarking

Common Limitations


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 9. Outcomes of Participation

Common Participation Outcomes

Program Qualities


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 10. State of OAE Research

The Role of Research

Early Research in OAE

OAE Research Matures

Current Trends


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 11. Improving Research

Challenges in OAE Research

Strengthening Research


Issues for Further Discussion

Chapter 12. Evolving Trends and Issues

Changing Levels and Types of Use

Impacts of Technology

Changing Values


Future Challenges


Issues for Future Discussion

Alan Ewert, PhD, is a distinguished and titled professor at Indiana University. He holds the Patricia and Joel Meier Endowed Chair in Outdoor Leadership and served as the editor of the Journal of Experiential Education. He was the 1996 recipient of the Reynold E. Carlson Award for Distinction in Outdoor Environmental Education; the 2002 recipient of the J.B. Nash Scholar Award through the American Association for Leisure and Recreation; the 2005 recipient of the Julian W. Smith Award through the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; and the 2013 Association of Experiential Education’s Distinguished Researcher. A prolific scholar, Ewert has published articles in a variety of journals and books related to outdoor leadership and recreation. He continues his professional service through numerous venues, including his status as a fellow and past president of the Academy of Leisure Sciences and one of the founding editors of the International Journal of Wilderness. Dr. Ewert also serves as a course director and instructor for Outward Bound and the Wilderness Education Association.

Jim Sibthorp, PhD, is associate professor and the coordinator of Adventure and Outdoor Programs in the department of parks, recreation and tourism at the University of Utah. He has written numerous publications in adventure-based programming and outdoor adventure education. Much of his current research stems from partnerships with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) and the American Camp Association. He has served the profession in many ways, including as co-chair of the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium, an editorial advisor for the Journal of Experiential Education, and an associate editor of Leisure Sciences and Research in Outdoor Education. He served on the research committees for Outward Bound and the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors. He is an active field instructor with NOLS, and he has received numerous awards, including Indiana University’s Eppley Alumni Award and the University of Utah College of Health Distinguished Mentor Award for his work with graduate students.

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