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Molecular and Cellular Exercise Physiology

$127.00 USD

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$127.00 USD

ISBN: 9780736045186


Page Count: 464

With Molecular and Cellular Exercise Physiology, you'll gain cutting-edge information on how exercise modulates cellular physiology. You'll be able to use that knowledge to develop better training regimens and injury-prevention and rehabilitation programs. You'll also be able to improve performance. The book is unique in that it is the first comprehensive text to address the effects of physical activity on the cellular and molecular level.

Molecular and Cellular Exercise Physiology highlights the potential of physical training in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases while thoroughly exploring these topics:

-Fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for changes in stroke volume, blood gas homeostasis, pH alterations, blood pressure, and osmosis in response to exercise

-How the exercise effects are mediated and translated into specific cellular and subcellular alterations
Recent fascinating advances in molecular techniques have extended the field of exercise physiology and enabled researchers to address the mechanisms involved on a subcellular and molecular level. Molecular and Cellular Exercise Physiology is a vital reference to help you stay on top of this exciting field.


Professional reference for exercise physiologists, physiologists, sports medicine specialists, sport nutritionists, and exercise biochemists; text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in exercise physiology, sport and nutrition, human biology, and physiology.

Part I: Molecular Exercise Physiology
Chapter 1.
The Cell

-Cellular Architecture

-Exercise and the Cell

Chapter 2. Cellular Life Span

-Cell Cycle and Tissue Turnover

-Cell Death

-Effect of Exercise on Cell Proliferation and Cell Death

Chapter 3. Genes, Genetic Heterogeneity, and Exercise Phenotypes

-Genes and Genome

-Gene Expression

-Regulation of Gene Expression

-Exercise and Gene Expression

-DNA Sequence Variation

-Genetics and Responsiveness to Exercise Training

Chapter 4. Proteins and Exercise

-Protein Synthesis

-Protein Degradation

-Exercise and Protein Metabolism

Chapter 5. Extracellular Matrix and Exercise

-Extracellular Matrices

-Composition of the Interstitial Extracellular Matrix

-Composition of Basement Membranes

-Synthesis of Collagens

-Degradation of Collagens

-ECM of Skeletal Muscle

-Muscle ECM and Physical Activity
Chapter 6. Regulation of Intracellular Ion Composition and pH


-Intracellular pH Regulation

Chapter 7. Inter- and Intracellular Signaling

-Hormones and Receptors

-Intracellular Signal Transduction
Chapter 8. Energy Turnover and Substrate Utilization

-Skeletal Muscle Carbohydrate Metabolism During Exercise

-Recent Advances in the Regulation of Long Chain Fatty Acid Transport and Metabolism

-Molecular Basis of Lactate Transport in Skeletal Muscle
Chapter 9. Generation and Disposal of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species

-Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Living Organisms

-Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Exercise

Chapter 10. Cellular Responses to Environmental Stress



Part II: Exercise and the Cell
Chapter 11.
Exercise and the Cardiac Myocyte

-Structure of the Cardiac Myocyte

-Contractile Cycle and Excitation–Contraction Coupling

-Adaptive Hypertrophy and Growth Signaling

-Contractile Function and Calcium Handling
Chapter 12. Exercise and Endothelium

-Endothelium Cell Function

-Effects of Physical Training on Vascular Reactivity

Chapter 13. Activity-Dependent Adaptive Responses of Skeletal Muscle Fibers

-The Multiplicity of Sarcomeric Protein Isoforms

-Myofibrillar Protein Isoforms and Fiber Diversity

-Metabolic Adaptations of Muscle Fibers to Altered Functional Demands

-Fiber Type Transitions

-Signaling Pathways Related to Fiber Type Transitions

Chapter 14. Exercise and the Alveolar and Bronchial Epithelial Cell


-The Alveolar Epithelium
Chapter 15. Exercise and the Liver Cell

-Hepatic Carbohydrate Metabolism

-Hepatic Lipid Metabolism

Chapter 16. Exercise and the Adipocyte

-The Adipocyte: Characteristics and Functions

-Adipocyte Receptors and Exercise

Chapter 17. Erythrocytes

-Red Cell Production

-Principles of O2 Transport by the Hemoglobin Molecule

-Principles of CO2 Transport in the Blood

-Regulation of Red Cell Volume

-Red Cell Influence on Circulation and Respiration

-Erythrocyte and Radicals

Chapter 18. Leukocytes

-Acute Exercise and Leukocytes

-Mechanisms of Action

-Chronic Exercise and Leukocyte Subpopulations

-Exercise and Infections

Chapter 19. Exercise and the Brain

-Exercise Improves Cognitive Function in Humans and Prevents Age-Related Brain Atrophy

-Animal Models to Study the Effects of Exercise on Brain Function

-Exercise Up-Regulates Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

-Gene Microarray Analysis Reveals Other Genes That Are Regulated by Exercise

-Exercise Enhancement of Learning and BDNF

-Exercise and Depression

-Definitive Role for BDNF in Human Cognition

-CNS and Peripheral Regulatory Mechanisms of Exercise Effect on BDNF


Frank C. Mooren, MD, is associate professor at the Institute of Sports Medicine at University Hospital Muenster in Germany, where he leads a molecular exercise physiology research group. Drawing from an academic background in medicine and chemistry, he worked as a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Sytemphysiology in Dortmund. He has also been a consultant in internal medicine and sports medicine at the University Hospital Muenster.

Dr. Mooren is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine and the International Society of Exercise Immunology. He received the Heinz Zumkley Prize from the German Society on Minerals and Trace Elements in 1997 and the Arno Arnold Prize from the German Society of Sports Medicine and Prevention in 2001.

Klaus Vï¿œlker, MD, is director of the Institute of Sports Medicine at University Hospital Muenster in Germany, where he established a group for molecular research. He has devoted his career to the study of both sports science and medicine.

He is vice president of the German Society of Sports Medicine and Prevention and chairman of its Commission of Sports for Youth, Leisure Time and Seniors. He is vice chairman of the Commission of Health of the Landessportbund NRW.

He is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine, European College of Sports Medicine, and European Hypertension League.

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