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Men's Body Sculpting 2nd Edition PDF

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ISBN: 9781492577195


Page Count: 256

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Achieve the breakthroughs in size for the lean and chiseled muscular look that you’ve always wanted!

Bodybuilding expert Nick Evans presents a proven program for perfecting your physique. More than simply hitting the gym and pumping iron, Men’s Body Sculpting provides you with complete programs for

• generating mass,

• reducing fat,

• sculpting your physique, and

• maintaining your build.

Each program offers the specific exercises that professional bodybuilders have used paired with in-depth advice on nutrition and supplements to enhance your workouts and ensure rapid results. Get the physique you want and get it now with Men’s Body Sculpting!

Part I Body-Sculpting Science

Chapter 1: Rules to Lift By

Chapter 2: Feeding the Machine

Chapter 3: Meet the Muscles

Chapter 4: Program Prescription

Part II Maximizing Muscle Mass

Chapter 5: Mass Construction

Chapter 6: Gaining an Anabolic Advantage

Chapter 7: Mass Generator Program

Part III Cutting Body Fat

Chapter 8: Lean Muscle Training

Chapter 9: Gaining a Lean Advantage

Chapter 10: Body Fat Blitz Program

Part IV Chiseling the Ultimate Body

Chapter 11: Climbing the Ladder of Intensity

Chapter 12: Anabolic Overdrive

Chapter 13: Supplement Stack

Chapter 14: Hybrid Hard Body Program

Part V Muscle Maintenance

Chapter 15: Advanced Sculpting Solutions and Training Tips

Chapter 16: Sculpting Safely

Chapter 17: Survival Strategies for the Peak Physique

Nick Evans, BSc, MD, FRCS (Orth), is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sport injury. He studied medicine at the University of London, England, and trained in orthopedic surgery at the University Hospital of Wales. Evans gained additional skills in arthroscopic surgery at the Southern California Center for Sports Medicine and the University of California at Los Angeles.

Evans is a highly regarded authority on strength training, nutrition, and weight training injuries. He is an expert on musculoskeletal anatomy and has written for numerous scientific publications. Evans is the author of the book Men’s Body Sculpting and was a regular columnist for MuscleMag International and Oxygen Women’s Fitness magazines. He is also featured in several instructional DVDs on weight training.

Evans practices and resides in North Yorkshire, England.

“Evans lays Men’s Body Sculpting out in clear, practical steps that take the guesswork out of bodybuilding and fitness regimens.”

Jim Schmaltz -- Editor in Chief, Muscle & Body magazine

“When it comes to body sculpting, Nick’s knowledge is unmatched. His book, Men’s Body Sculpting, offers essential advice for men wanting to improve their health, fitness, and appearance.”

Kris Gethin -- Editor in Chief,

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