Mastering Cycling
Author: John Howard
$7.99 USD
Learn from a legend! Trim seconds off your time, train more efficiently, or simply maximize your fitness workouts with Mastering Cycling.
John Howard, three-time Olympian and 18-time national masters cycling champion, has created the ultimate cycling guide for serious riders, triathletes, and masters athletes. Cyclists from 18 to 88 will benefit from the targeted approach that covers these essentials:
• Technique instruction and refinement for cornering, climbing, and descending
• Workout plans for fitness and competition
• Training for road races, time trials, and triathlons
• Strategies that will shave seconds from your times
In addition, Mastering Cycling guides you in equipment selection, event-specific training, motivational strategies, nutrition, hydration, and selecting cycling clubs, coaches, and competitive events. With such comprehensive coverage, it is the one resource you’ll turn to time and time again for a lifetime of serious cycling.
Chapter 1. The Masters Cyclist
Chapter 2. Same Sport, New Challenges
Chapter 3. Essential Bike Setup
Chapter 4. Training Off the Bike
Chapter 5. Training Indoors On the Bike
Chapter 6. Perfecting Bike-Handling Skills
Chapter 7. Planning a Performance Diet
Chapter 8. Preparing to Race
Chapter 9. Strategies for Every Event
Chapter 10. Dealing With Injuries and Setbacks
Chapter 11. Cycling for Life
About the Author
“Mastering Cycling imparts much knowledge and many lessons. It speaks to all riders and has special value for those intent on staying one wheel ahead of Father Time.”
Ed Pavelka -- Publisher of e-mail newsletter
"John Howard was the first recognizable name in modern-era cycling, and his versatility continues as a world-class masters racer and coach. Mastering Cycling speaks from the master's own perspective about what it takes to live the sport we love."
Chris Carmichael -- Coach of Seven-Time Tour de France Winner Lance Armstrong
“John is a true master of the sport of cycling. His varied accomplishments attest to his knowledge of training techniques on and off the bike. Mastering Cycling is a valuable resource for cyclists of all ages and abilities.”
Bobby Phillips -- “Baltimore Bullet”