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Leisure Program Planning and Delivery

$76.00 USD

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Paperback With CD-ROM
$76.00 USD

ISBN: 9780736057332


Page Count: 264

Leisure Program Planning and Delivery will guide your students in

  • employing a comprehensive three-step plan for successful program planning, implementing, and evaluating;
  • learning the essentials of successful recreation programming theory through real-world case studies and examples; and
  • building a professional programming portfolio through completion of class assignments.

Leisure Program Planning and Delivery will prepare recreation students for 21st-century programming. The book provides a comprehensive three-step plan for successful programming of services, program leadership, and understanding operational management of program systems in recreation and leisure service organizations. The scope of the book makes it practical either for preparing students and new professionals or for retooling your recreation program for today's challenges.

Grounded in contemporary professional practice and real-world applications, the book provides a systematic plan for students to learn the essentials of successful recreation programming, with examples of a variety of activities in community, outdoor, sport, cultural arts, and tourism sectors of the field. A companion Web site provides support for recreation professors with sample course syllabi, chapter review questions, PowerPoint presentations, and a test bank.

Each chapter of Leisure Program Planning and Delivery includes the following student-friendly features:

  • Learning objectives
  • An opening vignette with a real-world example tied to the theme of the chapter
  • Photographs, tables, and figures
  • Examples of specific chapter programming concepts taken from actual programming for outdoor, sport, tourism, cultural arts, and community recreation organizations
  • A continuing case study highlighting the City of Westerville, Ohio, Parks and Recreation Department, a 2001 and 2007 Gold Medal Awardee
  • A chapter summary keyed to the learning objectives
  • A glossary of key terms

A bound-in CD-ROM contains chapter-by-chapter activities and assignments that apply programming concepts and professional best practices from the text; Internet sites for interactive learning; and forms for planning, implementing, and evaluating programs. At the end of the course, the student assignments can be combined to create a student programming portfolio.

Throughout the text, the City of Westerville, Ohio, Parks and Recreation Department—a 2001 and 2007 Gold Medal Awardee—serves as a case study. The case illustrates how program concepts and practices apply in the real world of recreation programming.

Leisure Program Planning and Delivery is the foundational text to prepare students and practicing professionals for situations they will encounter on the job. As a reference, the book contains the essentials of programming and offers cutting-edge programming techniques, support tools, and forms that will help professionals meet challenges in leisure programming, making it a text that students will keep long after their course work is completed.


Text for undergraduate courses in recreation programming. Reference for recreation undergratuates and those in the field.

Part I. Foundations of Programming
Chapter 1. The Importance of Programmed Leisure
Benefits of Leisure
Leisure and Well-Being
Programmed Leisure

Chapter 2. The Profession of Leisure Programming
Organizational Settings
Personal Qualities

Chapter 3. Programming Principles
Customer Service
Customer Satisfaction
Public Good
Environmental Compatibility
Continuous Improvement

Chapter 4. Leisure Program Components
Activity Areas
Program Formats
Putting the Components Together

Chapter 5. Overview of the Program Planning Process
Program Models
Program Planning Process

Part II. Planning Preparations
Chapter 6. Understanding Your Organization and Community
Philosophy and Values
Network of Individual Constituents
Network of Group Constituents

Chapter 7. Assessing Patrons' Program Needs
Methods of Needs Assessments
Identification, Interpretation, and Utilization of Data
Conducting a Needs Assessment
Uses of a Needs Assessment
From Needs Assessment to Marketing Plan

Chapter 8. Program Goals and Objectives
Program Rationale
Formulating Goals
Preparing Objectives

Chapter 9. The Program Plan
Purposes of a Program Plan
Types of Program Plans
Elements of a Program Plan
The Role of Program Life Cycles

Part III. Program Implementation
Chapter 10. Making Operational Decisions
Facility Usage and Coordination
Program Communication
Program Policies

Chapter 11. Leading and Supervising Programs
Determining Staffing Needs
Expectations for Program Staff
Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Staff

Chapter 12. Program Monitoring
The Importance of Program Monitoring
Specific Program Monitoring Systems
Other Program Monitoring Systems

Chapter 13. Managing Risk in Leisure Programs
Developing a Risk Management Plan
Conducting Programs With Care
Supervising Participant Behavior

Part IV. Program Evaluation
Chapter 14. Evaluation Approaches
Timetables for Evaluation
Rationale for Evaluation
Obstacles to Evaluation
Types of Evaluation
Developing an Evaluation System

Chapter 15. Evaluation Steps
Step 1: Preparing an Evaluation Proposal
Step 2: Designing the Study
Step 3: Selecting a Sample
Step 4: Collecting Information
Step 5: Interpreting the Information Gathered
Step 6: Preparing the Final Report
Step 7: Putting the Findings Into Action

Ruth V. Russell, ReD, is a full professor in the department of recreation, park, and tourism studies at Indiana University. She is a former trustee of the National Recreation and Park Association and a former president of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators. She has programming experience with San Diego Recreation and Parks Department, San Diego-Imperial County Girl Scout Council, a variety of Girl Scout camps, the Book Works retail store, Allied Gardens, and Chateau La Jolla Retirement Complexes. Dr. Russell is the author of numerous textbooks, technical reports, book chapters, and journal articles pertaining to recreation program planning.

Lynn M. Jamieson, ReD, is chair and full professor in the department of recreation, park, and tourism studies at Indiana University. Previously, she served as curriculum coordinator of the recreation administration program at California Polytechnic State University and spent 12 years in administrative positions as a recreation administrator, with special emphasis on recreational sport management. She has coauthored four texts and more than 50 articles about various aspects of management in leisure services.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Instructor Guide. In this instructor guide, written by Dan Elkins and Brent Beggs, you can find sample course syllabi, instructor information related to chapter discussion questions, descriptions of extended learning activities found on the CD-ROM, chapter outlines, chapter summaries, vocabulary handouts for terms in the textbook’s glossary, and direct links to detailed sources on the Internet for every chapter in the text.

Test Package. The test package, written by Dan Elkins and Brent Beggs, consists of 300 ready-made test questions that feature multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true-and-false, and essay and short-answer questions covering the content from all chapters.

Presentation Package. Presents nearly 270 slides covering all 15 chapters in PowerPoint format.

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