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Language of Coaching Online CE Exam With Print Book, The

Author: Human Kinetics

$120.00 USD

Online Exam With Print Book
$120.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718228283


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • The Language of Coaching book
  • Online continuing education exam
The Language of Coaching focuses on the impact that communication has on an individual’s ability to learn and perform a movement. Written by performance coach Nick Winkelman, the book examines how instruction, feedback, and cueing can significantly affect training outcomes. Grounded in motor learning and the science of attentional focus, Winkelman takes you on a journey, guiding you through practical coaching frameworks that will help you adapt your language to the learning needs of those you support.

Packed with stunning visuals, the book provides over 25 movement sequences that outline different types of coaching cues, including a visual depiction of unique analogies, such as a sprinter taking off like a jet or an athlete loading into a jump like a spring. The book is filled with a comprehensive collection of cueing frameworks that guide you through the process of creating your own cues for any movement you want to teach. You will also learn how to engage in more productive conversation with your athletes through sample dialogue that uses the book’s cueing philosophy.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe learning and the 3P Performance Profile.
  • Explain the role that attention, deliberate practice, and state of mind play in the coaching of athletes.
  • Explain forms of memory and the process through which memories are created.
  • Define the coaching communication loop.
  • Employ the 3P Performance Profile to practice 3D cueing.
  • Describe analogies and the model for using this essential coaching tool.
  • Explain habit cueing and employ the cueing grid for effective coaching.
  • Apply cues and analogies to movements commonly used to develop strength.
  • Apply cues and analogies to movements commonly used to develop power.
  • Apply cues and analogies to movements commonly used to develop speed.


Personal trainers, strength and conditioning professionals, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and other certified fitness professionals.
Foreword by Daniel Coyle

Part I. Learn

Chapter 1. Learn This
Learning: A Primer
Part 1: The Profile
Part 2: The Process
Part 3: The Distinction

Chapter 2. Pay Attention
Attention: A Primer
Attention at Work
Part 1: Out of Focus
Part 2: Coming Into Focus
Part 3: In Focus

Chapter 3. Remember When
Memory: A Primer
What’s in a Memory?
Part 1: Working Memory
Part 2: Long-Term Memory
Part 3: Making Memories

Part II. Coach

Chapter 4. Finding Focus
Cueing: A Primer
Part 1: A Cue Is Born
Part 2: The Dark Side of the Cue
Part 3: You Gotta Be Choking Me

Chapter 5. Cue It Up
Constructing Cues: A Primer
Part 1: Cueing in 3D
Part 2: Cue Tips
Part 3: Clarifying Internal Cues

Chapter 6. Going Analog
Analogies: A Primer
Part 1: Mental Maps
Part 2: Similarity
Part 3: Familiarity

Part III. Cue

Chapter 7. The Road Map
Habits: A Primer
The Habit Instinct
The Habit of Cueing
Habit Upgrade: A Three-Step Process
Fishing for Cues

Chapter 8. Strong Cueing
Upper-Body Push/Horizontal/Two-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
Upper-Body Push/Vertical/Two-Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Upper-Body Pull/Horizontal/One-Arm One-Leg Dumbbell Row
Upper-Body Pull/Vertical/Pull-Up
Lower-Body Push/Two-Leg Front Squat
Lower-Body Push/One-Leg Squat to Bench
Lower-Body Push/Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Lower-Body Pull/Two-Leg Romanian Deadlift
Lower-Body Pull/One-Leg Romanian Deadlift

Chapter 9. Powerful Cueing
Countermovement/Vertical Jump
Countermovement/Horizontal Jump
Countermovement/Vertical Hop
Countermovement/Lateral Bound
Noncountermovement/Squat to Throw
Noncountermovement/Vertical Toss
Noncountermovement/Chest Pass
Noncountermovement/Rotational Throw

Chapter 10. Fast Cueing
Linear Speed/Three-Point Start
Linear Speed/Acceleration
Linear Speed/Absolute Speed
Multidirectional Speed/45-Degree Cut
Multidirectional Speed/Side-Step Cut
Multidirectional Speed/180-Degree Cut
Multidirectional Speed/Crossover to Sprint
Multidirectional Speed/Crossover Run
Multidirectional Speed/Drop Step to Sprint
Multidirectional Speed/Backpedal
Nick Winkelman, PhD, is the head of athletic performance and science for the Irish Rugby Football Union. His primary role is to oversee the delivery and development of strength and conditioning and sports science across all national and provincial teams. Prior to working for Irish Rugby, Winkelman was the director of education and training systems for EXOS, where he directed the development and execution of all educational initiatives. As a performance coach, he oversaw the speed component of the EXOS NFL Combine Development Program, and he has supported a variety of athletes across professional and elite level sport.

Winkelman completed his doctorate through Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions with a dissertation focus on motor skill learning and sprinting. He is a recognized speaker and consultant on human performance and coaching science. He has written numerous book chapters and peer-reviewed papers focusing on the intersection between coaching language and athlete learning.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Don Reagan
Seminal Text

This work by Nick Winkelman and human kinetics is excellent! This is a seminal text that I recommend for all early career professionals in our industry. The CE exam challenged me to dig deeply into the content and I enjoyed it. Thank You!

Filipe Pereira
Language of Coaching Online CE Exam

Great course, highly recommended. The exam was a bit tough but i am glad it was, it pushes us to work harder.

Jon-Michael Ervin
Incredible content

This in-depth material is a great read