Introduction to Kinesiology 6th Edition Ebook With HKPropel Access
Studying Physical Activity
Author: Duane V. Knudson, Timothy A. Brusseau
$112.00 USD

Introduction to Kinesiology, Sixth Edition, features a three-section structure that has always been a strength of this leading introductory textbook. Part I examines the diversity of physical activity and kinesiology and summarizes the importance of knowledge gained through physical activity experiences. Part II delves into the seven major subdisciplines of kinesiology, with an overview of major historical events, research methods, professional work and application, and ideas for career advancement in each. Part III elaborates on professionalism and then examines five main areas for career opportunities.
With hundreds of updated references, the sixth edition includes the latest research and data available as well as an increased emphasis on sensitivity and inclusion. New editor Timothy A. Brusseau, a national youth physical activity expert who has served on the board of directors for the American Kinesiology Association, contributes his expertise and insight to the text. Additional updates to the sixth edition include the following:
- Related online learning tools delivered through HKPropel offer interactive opportunities to engage with and better understand the content.
- Updates to data, research, and graphics incorporate the most recent discoveries.
- New Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Kinesiology sidebars highlight influential contemporary studies and discuss how they can be applied in professional settings as an evidence-based practice.
- New Subdisciplinary Highlight sidebars feature trending topics in the subdisciplines of kinesiology.
- New Hot Career Opportunity sidebars discuss emerging career paths for kinesiology and exercise science majors.
Ample learning aids within the text—such as chapter objectives, summaries, key points, and review questions—will also aid in knowledge retention. Opening scenarios at the beginning of each chapter feature a specific athlete, activity, or issue in kinesiology that serves to illustrate the main points.
Introduction to Kinesiology provides essential information for students embarking on their study of kinesiology, and this updated sixth edition prepares them for future courses and further study.
Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with this ebook.
Primary textbook for introductory or foundational courses in physical activity, kinesiology, exercise science, and sport science. Reference for researchers and practitioners in sport and exercise science professions.Chapter 1. Introduction to Kinesiology
Duane V. Knudson and Timothy A. Brusseau
Interest in the Discipline of Kinesiology
Physical Activity: The Focus of Kinesiology
Some Focuses of Physical Activity in Kinesiology
Kinesiology and Evidence-Based Practice
Chapter 2. Importance of the Physical Activity Experience
Timothy A. Brusseau and Duane V. Knudson
Sphere of Self-Sufficiency
Sphere of Self-Expression
Sphere of Work
Sphere of Education
Sphere of Leisure
Sphere of Health
Sphere of Competition
Factors That Influence Kinds of Experience in Physical Activity
Ways in Which Experience Can Affect Physical Activity
Heredity and Experience
Subjective Experience of Physical Activity
Part II. Scholarly Study of Physical Activity
Chapter 3. Philosophy of Physical Activity
Cesar R. Torres and Scott Kretchmar
Why Use Philosophical Thinking?
What Do Philosophers Do?
Research Methods for Philosophy of Physical Activity
History and Future of Philosophy of Physical Activity
Overview of Knowledge in Philosophy of Physical Activity
Chapter 4. History of Physical Activity
Lindsay Parks Pieper
Why Use History of Physical Activity?
What Do Historians of Physical Activity Do?
History of Kinesiology and Physical Activity
Research Methods for History of Physical Activity
Overview of Knowledge in History of Physical Activity
Chapter 5. Sociology of Physical Activity
Katherine M. Jamieson
Why Use Sociology of Physical Activity?
What Do Sociologists of Physical Activity Do?
History of Sociology of Physical Activity
Research Methods for Sociology of Physical Activity
Overview of Knowledge in Sociology of Physical Activity
Chapter 6. Motor Behavior
Katherine T. Thomas, Xiangli Gu, and Jerry R. Thomas
Why Use Motor Behavior?
What Do Motor Behaviorists Do?
History of Motor Behavior
Research Methods for Motor Behavior
Overview of Knowledge in Motor Behavior
Chapter 7. Sport and Exercise Psychology
Robin S. Vealey
Why Use Sport and Exercise Psychology?
What Do Sport and Exercise Psychology Professionals Do?
History of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Research Methods for Sport and Exercise Psychology
Overview of Knowledge in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Chapter 8. Biomechanics of Physical Activity
Kathy Simpson
Why Use Biomechanics of Physical Activity?
What Do Biomechanists Do?
History of Biomechanics
Research Methods for Biomechanics
Overview of Knowledge in Biomechanics
Chapter 9. Physiology of Physical Activity
Jennifer L. Caputo
Why Use Physiology of Physical Activity?
What Do Exercise Physiologists Do?
History of Physiology of Physical Activity
Research Methods for Physiology of Physical Activity
Overview of Knowledge in Physiology of Physical Activity
Part III. Practicing a Profession in Physical Activity
Chapter 10. Becoming a Physical Activity Professional
Duane V. Knudson and Timothy A. Brusseau
What Is a Profession?
How Do Our Values Shape Our Professional Conduct?
How Are Physical Activity Professionals Educated for the Workforce?
Are You Suited for a Career in the Physical Activity Professions?
Chapter 11. Careers in Health and Fitness
Warren D. Franke
The Need for Health and Fitness Professionals
Settings for Health and Fitness
Roles for Health and Fitness Professionals
Trends and Opportunities in Health and Fitness
Advice for Health and Fitness Students
Chapter 12. Careers in Medicine and Allied Health
Chad Starkey
The Diagnostic Process
Integrating Exercise Into Medicine and Allied Health
Medical and Allied Health Settings
Roles for Medical and Allied Health Professionals
Trends and Opportunities in Medicine and Allied Health
Advice for Students Interested in Medicine and Allied Health
Chapter 13. Careers in Teaching Physical Education
Kim C. Graber and Thomas J. Templin
What Is the Teaching of Physical Education?
Settings for Teaching Physical Education
Roles for Physical Education Professionals
Trends and Opportunities in Teaching Physical Education
Advice for Physical Education Students
Chapter 14. Careers in Coaching and Sport Instruction
Joseph A. Luxbacher and Duane V. Knudson
What Are Coaching and Sport Instruction?
Settings for Coaching and Sport Instruction
Roles for Coaching and Sport Instruction Professionals
Trends and Opportunities in Coaching and Sport Instruction
Advice for Coaching and Sport Instruction Students
Chapter 15. Careers in Sport Management
G. Clayton Stoldt and Mark C. Vermillion
What Is Sport Management?
Settings for Sport Management
Roles for Sport Management Professionals
Trends and Opportunities in Sport Management
Advice for Sport Management Students
What do biomechanists do?
What do sociologists of physical activity do?

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.
Instructor guide. Includes chapter outlines and suggested lecture structures to aid instructors in lecture preparation. Also includes student activities to facilitate learning and engagement within the classroom. Contains teaching tips, ideas for discussion topics and speakers, and answers to review questions.
Test package. Includes questions in multiple-choice, true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and short-answer formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed as paper-based tests. Instructors may also create their own customized quizzes or tests from the test bank questions to assign to students directly through HKPropel. Multiple-choice and true-false questions are automatically graded, and student scores can be reviewed by instructors in the platform.
Chapter quizzes. Contains ready-made quizzes to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each chapter. Each quiz may be downloaded or assigned to students directly through HKPropel. The chapter assessments are automatically graded, and student scores can be reviewed by instructors in the platform.
Presentation package. Features PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.
Image bank. Includes most of the figures, content photos, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. These can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.
Instructors also receive access to all student materials in HKPropel. For Introduction to Kinesiology, Sixth Edition, this includes learning aids and interactive activities using a variety of approaches—audio, video, drag-and-drop activities, scenario-based exercises, and more—to fully immerse students into the various aspects of kinesiology. Most of the activities can be assigned, and progress tracked, directly through HKPropel. Chapter quizzes (assessments), which are automatically graded, may also be assigned to test comprehension of critical concepts.